Technology Checklist

Level III competencies are not included in the checklist because they are discipline-specific.

Level I. Basic Technology Equipment Operations and Concepts (Level I competencies in depth)
1. Operate a Computer System

Operate a multimedia computer system, including installing software, accessing programs or files in other drives (such as CD-ROM in drive d:/), saving and deleting files, organizing folders and maintaining backups within the context of Macintosh, Windows, and networked systems.
___ a. Help students access programs in other drives

___ b. Help students access files in other drives

___ c. Help students save files

___ d. Help students delete files

___ e. Help students organize folders

___ f. Help students maintain backups on appropriate system 
The teacher of a biology class is showing the students how to use a word processor to prepare some written reports for the class. The teacher is demonstrating how to format the document, save it, and how to organize a folder in Windows 2000.

2. Terminology

 Use terminology related to computers and technology appropriately in written and oral communications.
___ a. Help students to use appropriate computer and/or technology terminology in written communications

___ b. Help students to use appropriate computer and/or technology terminology in oral communications 
The teacher is encouraging elementary school science students to develop their observations, analyses, and presentations as they compare animal attributes and habitats. The teacher is explaining how a variety of technologies can be used to perform this task. Special terminology is used to explain the use of video camcorders for observations, and computers for recording, tracking, and analyzing data.

3. Trouble-shooting Definition Describe and implement basic trouble-shooting techniques for multimedia computer systems with related peripheral devices.

a. Help students learn basic trouble-shooting techniques for multimedia computer systems 
Example High school history students are creating a website about their local museum. The teacher is explaining how the students should troubleshoot when images appear as broken links to figure out why the image does not appear.

4. Equipment Operation Definition Operate basic and discipline-specific equipment (e.g., LCD display projectors; scan converters; laser disc players; VCRs; graphing calculators in math; MIDI keyboards in music; scanners and still, digital, or video cameras in the visual arts) and use it to support instruction and inquiry specific to the content area.


___ a. Help students learn how to use basic equipment

___ b. Help students learn how to use discipline-specific equipment 
Example The teacher is using a laser disc player and a VCR to give middle school science students an opportunity to examine animals. The students view videos and laser discs about animals to provide information about their appearance and life adaptation to different environments.

5. Computers in Society Definition Demonstrate awareness of uses of computers and computing technology in business, industry, and society.


___ a. Help students gain awareness of the uses and impact of computing technology in business

___ b. Help students gain awareness of the uses and impact of computing technology in industry

___ c. Help students gain awareness of the uses and impact of computing technology in society 

Example The science teacher is taking the middle school class out to observe a selected habitat. After the observation, back in the classroom, the students are asked to demonstrate what they’ve seen. They have to put their observations on chart paper. The teacher is explaining the importance of data collection and how scientists can benefit from the uses of computing technology in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting the data.

6. Ethics Issues Definition Demonstrate knowledge of equity, ethics, legal, and human issues concerning use of computers and technology.

___ a. Help students gain awareness of equity concerning use of computers and technology

___ b. Help students gain awareness of ethics concerning use of computers and technology

___ c. Help students gain awareness of legal issues concerning use of computers and technology, including copyright laws

___ d. Help students gain awareness of human issues concerning use of computers and technology 

Example As students in a fourth grade class prepare reports about the American colonies, the teacher explains to them how to show the source for each image they use from somewhere else on the page where the image appears, as well as in the references at the end of the report.

7. Adaptive Assistive Technology Definition Demonstrate awareness of resources for adaptive assistive devices for students with special needs.


___ a. Help students with special needs to incorporate adaptive assistive devices 

Example A biology teacher is using an instructional software to provide information about cell development to a high school student who is hearing impaired. The software provides a visual demonstration of the cells and their step-by-step development as well as written information and a couple of quizzes.

Level II. Technology Resources and Tools for Information Literacy (Level II in-depth)Tools to Access Information

8. WWW Information Sources


Use World Wide Web sources to access information and analyze the authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance.


___ a. Help students efficiently access Web resources in their research

___ b. Help students evaluate the authority of the sources

___ c. Help students evaluate the accuracy of the sources

___ d. Help students evaluate the currency of the sources

___ e. Help students evaluate the relevance of the sources 


Students in a high school English class are learning about the importance of point of view in both literature and history. While participating in the learning activity, students visit websites to view actual documents from different periods, and write news stories for publication in an electronic newspaper. This learning activity helps students to locate, evaluate, and collect information using the Web.

9. Electronic Information Sources


Use electronic informational and reference sources (e.g., CD-ROMs or laserdiscs about oceans, art, Shakespeare, or Africa, or a periodical index or multimedia encyclopedia) to access information and analyze the authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance.


___ a. Help students to efficiently access information in electronic formats for their research

___ b. Help students evaluate the authority of the sources

___ c. Help students evaluate the accuracy of the sources

___ d. Help students evaluate the currency of the sources

___ e. Help students evaluate the relevance of the sources 


Middle school students are brainstorming what they already know about animals that live in cold-weather climates. To stimulate discussion, the teacher is using CD-ROMs and electronic encyclopedias so the students can acquire more information about the animals.

10. A/V Information Sources


Use audio/visual resources (audiotapes, videos, or slides) to access information and analyze the authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance.


___ a. Help students to efficiently use audio/visual resources to find information

___ b. Help students evaluate the authority of the sources

___ c. Help students evaluate the accuracy of the sources

___ d. Help students evaluate the currency of the sources

___ e. Help students evaluate the relevance of the sources 


Groups of high school English students are working collaboratively on research about Charles Dickens’s life, his writing style, and use of figurative language. To help students study the works of Dickens, the teacher is showing them videos about those works, which have been made into films or adapted for theaters.

Tools to Use Information

11. Internet Communications


Use Internet and e-mail to communicate with others.


___ a. Help students to efficiently use e-mail to communicate with other students and experts at remote sites.

___ b. Help students to efficiently use telecollaborative project websites to communicate with other students and experts at remote sites. 


Middle grade foreign language students make electronic connections with students in other countries to exchange information about different subjects to help them explore languages and cultures. In the process of information exchange, the students from different schools work together on projects of common interest and gain a truly international experience.

12. Video Conferencing


Use video conferencing such as the Iowa Communications Network (ICN) to communicate with others.


___ a. Help students to efficiently engage in video conferencing sessions to communicate with other students and experts at remote sites


By means of video conferencing, high school foreign language students are communicating with students in Germany and Austria to gain information about their cultures and literature. This activity has been designed to support the mastery of vocabulary and help students to communicate effectively in German. It also helps students to draw comparisons between their own lives and the lives of typical Germans and Austrians.

13. Multimedia Presentation Software


Use multimedia software to create multimedia reports or presentations.


___ a. Help students to efficiently use multimedia software to present information creatively or persuasively.

___ b. Help students to efficiently use multimedia software to create multimedia reports

___ c. Help students to efficiently use multimedia software to create multimedia presentations 


Middle school English students use video interviews, hypermedia stacks, Web pages, and other technologies to conceptualize and create multimedia representations of different heroes and heroines. Students work in groups on Internet-based research and learn advanced word-processing skills to create multimedia reports that can be shared with a wide variety of audiences.

14. WWW Authoring


Use World Wide Web authoring software or HTML code to create an educational website.


___ a. Help students to efficiently use WWW authoring software to publish their projects on the Web.

___ b. Help students to efficiently use HTML code to publish their projects on the Web.


High school English language students use Web-based information resources to find information about different American poets. They use a variety of media to gather information. They read literature and review a variety of media productions, which helps them create their own educational websites to reflect this information.

15. A/V Production


Use audio/visual technology (audiotape, video, or slides) to produce artistic or informational audio/visual projects.


___ a. Help students to efficiently use audio/visual technology to produce artistic audio/visual artistic projects using basic editing techniques.

___ b. Help students to efficiently use audio/visual technology to produce informational audio/visual projects using basic editing techniques. 


High school history students re-enact scenes from war times that they have read about in primary sources. Students videotape their scenes to be shown to the class.

Software Applications

16. Word Processing


Use word processing and print layout design applications to compose, revise, and produce materials, documents, newsletters, or brochures.


___ a. Help students to efficiently use word processing and print layout design applications to compose, revise, and produce professional looking materials

___ b. Help students to efficiently use word processing and print layout design applications to compose, revise, and produce professional looking documents

___ c. Help students to efficiently use word processing and print layout design applications to compose, revise, and produce professional looking reports

___ d. Help students to efficiently use word processing and print layout design applications to compose, revise, and produce professional looking brochures

___ e. Help students to efficiently use word processing and print layout design applications to compose, revise, and produce professional looking newsletters 


Middle school English language students are divided into groups to produce a word-processed newsletter which will express their point of view on the main trends of the works of their chosen American poets. The newsletters will be published and given to all other students involved in this project.

17. Database


Use databases to collect, organize, and analyze data, and produce meaningful reports to aid in problem solving.


___ a. Help students to efficiently create and use databases to collect, organize, and analyze data to produce meaningful reports that answer questions about their information

___ b. Help students to efficiently create and use databases to collect, organize, and analyze data to aid in problem solving 


Elementary school science students are involved in a project about wild animals. They have to find information about the animals such as their average size, life expectancy, habitats, etc. The students record these data in a database and compare the results in order to determine which animals would be best suited to live on an outpost in outer space.

18. Spreadsheet


Use spreadsheets to calculate and display information and produce meaningful reports to aid in problem solving.


___ a. Help students to efficiently use spreadsheets to improve their data keeping, analysis, and report-generating skills.

___ b. Help student to efficiently use spreadsheets to produce meaningful reports to aid in problem solving. 


Middle school math students are introduced to a project in which they describe the concept of one million. Because students are spending money, they create a theme for how the money is to be spent. Using a spreadsheet, students create the categories needed for their chosen theme. They use formulas to make sure they spend as close to $1 million as possible.

19. Graphic Organizer


Use graphic organizer software to display information graphically for brainstorming or decision-making sessions.


___ a. Help students to efficiently use graphic organizer software to organize their thoughts and ideas about a topic.

___ b. Help students to efficiently use graphic organizer software to display information graphically for brainstorming or decision-making sessions. 


Kindergartners are brainstorming characteristics of farm animals for their Kid Pix project. The teacher guides their brainstorming, using graphic organizer software. Students list new categories of information as the teacher records this in the class mind map. Later, groups of students will select a category from those listed for further investigation on their field trip to a farm.

20. Instructional Software


Use instructional software to support student learning and professional review sources to match software to the needs of learners in the special education or regular classroom.


___ a. Use professional review sources to match software to the needs of learners in the special education or regular classroom.

___ b. Incorporate instructional software appropriate for the needs of the learner.


At the primary level, foreign language students are learning how to use spoken, written, and visual language to communicate within the context of a story. The teacher is using the interactive book on CD-ROM to encourage students to use technology to gain information about the story’s settings, to analyze and interpret information, and to make generalizations about what they’ve read in the book.