Multicultural Planning Questions

  1. Do the lesson content and strategies promote educational equity?  For example, does the lesson content help to create an inclusive curriculum, one that attempts to maximize student participation in the overall class curriculum?

  2. Do the lesson content and strategies make us of, or help to develop, collaborative, empowering relationships among parents, students, and teacher?

  3. Do the lesson content and strategies promote cultural pluralism in society or intergroup harmony in the classroom?

  4. Does the lesson content help to increase the students' knowledge of various cultural and ethnic groups, including heir own?

  5. Do the lesson content and strategies increase students' proclivity and ability to see and think with a multicultural perspective?

  6. Does the lesson content (a) help to correct distortions in the historical, literary, or scientific record that may stem from historical racism or other forces linked to the oppression and exploitation of specific ethnic and cultural groups, and (b) present material in a manner that suggests that racism related distortions are or may be part of the historical and scientific record the class is studying?

  7. Does the lesson content provide knowledge or skills, or promote attitudinal development, that will eave the students better equipped and more inclined to participate in, and help improve, the democratic institutions of their society?

  8. Does the lesson content contribute to the students' willingness to cross ethnic and cultural boundaries to participate in and/or learn about different cultural and ethnic groups?




           Davidman, L., & Davidman, P.T. (1997). Teaching with a multicultural perspective: A practical guide (2nd ed.). New York:  Longman Publishers.