INTIME Progress Check
University of Northern Iowa
February, 2000
Important Dates:
March 2-3, 2000: 1st INTIME Video Participant Workshop, University of Northern Iowa. Approximately 25 Quality Educators from Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Michigan will receive in-depth training on the Technology as a Facilitator of Quality Education Model and instruction about the video taping. They will begin the evaluation component of the project.
July 13-14, 2000: 2nd INTIME Video Participant Workshop, University of Northern Iowa. Approximately 20 Quality Educators from Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Michigan and Virginia will receive in-depth training on the Technology as a Facilitator of Quality Education Model and instruction about the video taping. They will begin the evaluation component of the project.
September 28-29, 2000: INTIME Methods Faculty Workshop, University of Northern Iowa. Teacher Education faculty members from the five universities participating in this grant (Eastern Michigan University, Emporia State University, Longwood College, Southeast Missouri State University, and the University of Northern Iowa) will receive in-depth training on the Technology as a Facilitator of Quality Education Model. They will also explore how to integrate INTIME Website, videos, online discussion forums and technology competencies into their teacher education courses.
Meetings and Conferences Scheduled/Attended:
INTIME Project Presentations
April 10, 2000: ITAA National IT Workforce Convocation, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Bill Callahan will co-present (with Tom Carroll, Director, PT3, U.S. Department of Education). Presentation: PT3 Catalyst Grant: Technology as Facilitator of Quality Education."
February 28, 2000: AACTE, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Callahan will present with Dr. Tom Carroll, Director, PT3, U.S. Department of Education, and a panel on "Institutional Strategies to Prepare Technology Proficient Teachers."
February 10, 2000: SITE, San Diego, California. Karla Krueger and Dr. Sharon Smaldino will present, "Technology Competencies as Self-Assessment for Pre-Service Teachers."
January 9-10, 2000: National Conference on Teacher Quality, Washington, D.C. Dr. Bill Callahan presented a PowerPoint presentation on the INTIMEproject.
Conferences & Meetings
March 27-29, 2000: Video Case Study Group, New Orleans, Louisiana. Dr. Bill Callahan and Rick Seeley will attend the video case study group meeting.
February 8, 2000: ISTE National Center for PT3, San Diego, California. Dr. Bill Callahan and Karla Krueger will make recommendations for the PT3 National Coordinating Council.
January 8-11, 2000: ISTE NETS Writing Team, Tempe, Arizona. Karla Krueger participated in drafting the revision of the ISTE Recommended Educational Technology Foundations Standards for All Teachers.
December 15-17, 1999: Improving America's Schools, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Bill Callahan attended
December 10, 1999: ISTE NETS Teachers Forum Feedback, Washington, D.C. Dr. Sharon Smaldino participated in a brainstorming session for revision of the ISTE Recommended Educational Technology Foundations Standards for All Teachers.
November 9-13, 1999: PT3 Post Award Project Directors Meeting & 13th Annual Technology & Learning Conference, Dallas, Texas. Dr. Bill Callahan and Dr. Sharon Smaldino shared information about the INTIMEProject and learned about other PT3 projects and issues.
September 10, 1999: PT3 Project Directors Meeting, Washington, D.C. Dr. Bill Callahan participated in this meeting and prepared an application for an Addendum PT3 grant.
Progress Check:
Video Recorded. A trial, one-camera video, was recorded in October, 1999. This recording had three main purposes: 1) to capture 2-3 hours of material, 2) edit it down to 5-10 minutes of content that will effectively demonstrate the integration of technology in the P/K-12 classroom, and 3) to specifically identify key elements of the Technology as a Facilitator of Quality Education Model, developed at the University of Northern Iowa. A 3-camera recording session (of the same teacher) is planned for February, 2000. This 3-camera version will also include sound and lighting reinforcement, and will serve as a "pilot" for all the videos that are produced for this project. Additionally, the pilot serves as an exercise for us to go through the process of producing a video from initial teacher contact to finished product posted on the INTIMEweb site. The pilot video is scheduled for presentation at our 1st Video Participant Workshop.
Model Research. Several Graduate Assistants have been hired to research and document elements of the Technology as a Facilitator of Quality Education Model. Their work will bring further credibility to the Model, as they document findings of other educational researchers to support and refine its elements. A revised and enhanced Model is scheduled to be drafted in early February, 2000.
Video Participants Selection. Twenty-five participants have been chosen to attend the March 2-3, 2000 workshop and 20 participants have been chosen for the July 13-14, 2000. Approximately 10 additional participants who meet our final criteria will be selected from around the nation.
Web Site Development. This is the largest and most complex task of the project. There are nine key personnel working on various aspects of the site. Ultimately, implementation of the site will require the coordinated efforts of these 9 persons plus additional support personnel, 52 teachers, their administrators and students, 5 contacts at partner universities, 10-30 Methods faculty and approximately 10 supporting graduate assistants -- in 5 different states.
Paper prototypes of the web site have been completed. User Acceptance Testing with these prototypes will begin soon.
Conversion of the paper prototypes into electronic versions has already begun.
A database to support search and retrieval of the videos and associated materials has been modeled. Implementation will begin shortly.
Design of an interface to specifically support the playback of videos on the Internet is well underway. The interface will include scrolling text and links to materials specific to each video. The interface will be tested with the Pilot video when it is available.
Video Taping of Best Practice Scenarios. Bids have been received for equipment for the digital taping and editing of the best practices. Video taping will begin March 20, 2000.
Methods Workshop. Requests for ten nominees will be made to each contact person at the partner universities. A minimum of two (maximum of 6) applicants from each institution will be selected at each institution.
Relevant Project URLs.
National Content Standards for PreK-12 Students have been identified. Links to all relevant content standards may be found at
INTIME Project Powerpoint slides may be found at: