See the list of Participating PreK-12 Teachers and Schools
How were the INTIME PreK-12 Teachers selected?
Contact persons at the five partner universities nominated up to 25 teachers from their state, as described below. INTIME project staff at UNI selected the teachers whose proposed activities featured as many elements as possible from the Technology as Facilitator of Quality Education: A Model. In addition, project staff attempted to balance the group of teachers on the basis of states represented, grade levels and content areas taught. After initial selections, project staff targeted unrepresented grade levels and areas by seeking recommendations from university faculty who have contact with teachers in these areas.
Eastern Michigan University
Teachers selected were identified by various knowledgeable technology leaders around the state. In most cases, they had won awards, including the MACUL Educator of the Year and the GLEN lesson-planning challenges, or had been selected to work with a major statewide technology project.
Emporia State University (KS)
The request for names was sent via e-mail to the regional service centers located throughout the state of Kansas. Contact persons at the responding service centers then handled the request in the manner they deemed appropriate. In some cases, the request was forwarded to a particular person in a school district (e.g., superintendent or teacher) and in other cases, the contact person at the service center recommended a teacher based on observation made personally or by a colleague.
Longwood College (VA)
In Virginia, a contact at the Best Practice Center helped to nominate applicants for the INTIME project.
Southeast Missouri State University
Selections were made by Southeast Missouri State with help from the Director of Instructional Technology, Elementary and Secondary Education.
University of Northern Iowa
Iowa applicants were selected from a pool who participated in the Iowa Showcase on Educational Technology, the Iowa/U S WEST Teacher Technology Project, or Iowa Educational Technology and Training Institute (IETTI) projects.
See participating universities for information about these institutions.