Lisa Frankes INTIME Journal

INTIME Final Report

Project Summary

The course, CURR304: Elementary Curriculum and Methods, has been developed for preservice teacher candidates in the initial phase of their preparatory program. These students enter the course having already completed two years of general liberal arts studies. The class meets two days each week on campus for one and a half hours each session. Students also work in an elementary classroom one day each week for approximately three hours and, among other assignments, they must teach a whole class lesson that incorporates important strategies learned in the course. The main goals of the course provide a general overview of important content:

Students will be able to

  1. identify important generalizations, concepts and facts related to a specific social studies topic and develop a unit content analysis that outlines the major ideas and concepts in a logical and coherent sequence

  2. locate and incorporate important social studies resources in their unit, including primary source documents, children's literature, photographs, artifacts, music, etc.

  3. use knowledge of state standards, constructivist learning theory, James Banks' Multicultural Curriculum Transformation Model, Blooms Taxonomy, and Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences to create lesson plans

  4. utilize inductive, direct, and cooperative strategies to create a two week unit of meaningful lessons that teach important generalizations, concepts, and facts

  5. create inclusive lessons that address the unique learning needs of students from diverse cultural groups and diverse abilities and intelligences

  6. critically reflect and analyze instruction in the elementary classroom

After attending a professional development workshop on the use of the INTIME Technology as Facilitator of Education Model and video case studies, I examined the methods course to determine how the use of technology and the INTIME case studies could facilitate the achievement of important course outcomes. Two areas appeared most appropriate: first, the course could be enhanced by teaching students to develop strategic internet search skills and to locate important Web-based education resources including subject directories, clearinghouses and gateways; second, the students could further refine the skills of critical reflection and analysis by critiquing the video case studies of social studies instruction in elementary classrooms.

Syllabus Revision

The syllabus was altered to include assignments and projects that would support these two goals (See notebook section labeled "Syllabus" with technology sections highlighted in yellow). First, early in the semester two classes were designated for instruction on the use of searching strategies and introduction to important web-based resources. Students met in the computer lab and I modeled and described important search skills (See handouts from these sessions in the notebook section labeled "Teaching Search Skills"). The skills addressed included

  1. Identification of hostnames as an indicator of credibility

  2. Distinctions between subject directories, clearinghouses, gateways, meta-search engines and search engines

  3. use of Boolean operators

  4. criteria for assessing validity of source material

  5. use of the Michigan Teacher's Network Clearinghouse and other identified web- based resources

In addition to these two sessions on web-based searching strategies, I developed a group project that required use of the INTIME Facilitator of Education Model that was weighted as twenty-five percent of the course grade. In groups of three, students were required to analyze one INTIME video case study of elementary social studies instruction. Four cases were identified, those of Ms. Western, Ms. Hemphill, Ms. Challens, and Ms. Robinson. In preparation for the case analysis students had to read the INTIME Facilitator of Education Model and examine an evaluation instrument I devised based upon the model (See section in notebook labeled "INTIME Evaluation Tool").

This evaluation instrument was modeled on the observation forms principals traditionally use to evaluate first year teachers. The students were asked to compared the I
NTIME evaluation instrument with one used by the Ann Arbor Public Schools because I wanted to expose them to the criteria that are typically used in the schools to evaluate first year teachers. Students noted that the INTIME Model was much more complex and while categories were similar (The Ann Arbor Evaluation instrument is based upon NBFTS Teaching Standards), the INTIME Model explicitly addressed many sub-skills not evident in the Ann Arbor evaluation instrument. Next, I took students to the computer lab and we viewed the case study of Kim Reed together. We evaluated his instruction using the evaluation instrument. I also created a summary report of our analysis so students could have a model for their group reports (See notebook section labeled "INTIMEAssignment"). Students then met in groups of three to critique their assigned video case and were given 3 class periods to work in the computer lab on the project.

The groups of three could come together with another group of three assigned the same case, compare notes, and write a single report together. Finally, each group had to present their analysis to the class. During each presentation they had to show at least two clips from the video and comment on all seven categories of the model as well as conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of the I
NTIME case studies as a teaching tool.

NTIME: Theoretical Framework

To summarize the framework briefly, three categories of the model articulate key behaviors and thinking processes for students: Students at the Center of Their Own Learning; Principles of Good Learning are Visible; and Tenets of Democracy. Within these categories, students are constructed as active participants in the construction of knowledge, they practice higher thinking skills with an emphasis on problem-solving and decision-making, they work collaboratively and independently, they reflect on their own thinking and learning, and they work in a manner which is "tolerant" and respectful of others.

The teacher's knowledge, role, and behaviors are outlined in the following categories: Information Processing; Content Standards; Teacher knowledge and Behavior; and Technology. The teacher is characterized as a facilitator of learning who structures learning opportunities that are developmentally appropriate. The teacher employs active inquiry and individual and group learning and multiple learning strategies. The teacher seeks to achieve important learning outcomes outlined in standards documents and demonstrates deep knowledge of subject matter. He or she respects student diversity, collaborates with families, and reflects systematically on practice with the goal of improving instruction. The teacher observes and assesses students in a variety of ways and uses the data to plan instruction. Finally, the teacher uses technology within instruction and to more effectively perform his or her role.

The model categories and lists of behaviors and skills were extensive and unwieldy. I attempted to create an evaluation instrument that included all of the items described in the framework and counted approximately 40 sub-skills and behaviors associated with exemplary instruction. These were then used to evaluate the I
NTIME case teachers.

Student Learning

For the purposes of this project, I will focus on student learning based upon the use of the I
NTIME case studies. For each of the four case studies, groups produced a written report (See final report notebook sections labeled by individual cases). Each group report included a critical analysis of each teacher using all seven categories of the

INTME model and, in addition, each group analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of I
NTIME as a teaching tool for preservice educators. The preservice teachers analyzed many strengths and weaknesses of these teachers' instruction using important concepts from the INTIME model and using important concepts taught in the methods course. I will report on each group's learning separately then analyze the implications. 

The Case of Ms .Hemphill

The chart below provides a summary of the group's analysis of Ms. Hemphill's strengths, weaknesses, and the areas of the model that could not be observed from viewing the video.



Not Observed

Use of cooperative learning

Active learning

Students engaged in creative thinking

Informal and relaxed setting

Use of multiple intelligences

No students were observed identifying patterns or making connections to real cultures

No use of multiple perspectives or examination of real cultures

No evidence of national social studies standards being addressed

Students made the point in their verbal presentation that these students appeared to create a culture out of pooled ignorance and stereotypes

No observation of students comparing/contrasting cultures-examining differences

Strengths of the I
NTIME Model:

The preservice teachers wrote in their report that the I
NTIMEmodel provides opportunities for preservice teachers to analyze and observe the use of many strategies such as multiple intelligences. Bloom's Taxonomy (Higher level thinking), group collaboration. Students could also observe the possible uses of technology.

Weaknesses of the I
NTIME Model:

The preservice teachers wrote in their report that the lesson clips were too repetitive for the viewer. The voiceover told the viewers what to observe and think without giving the viewers the opportunity to think and analyze on their own. They suggested that a better approach might be to pose questions to the viewer.

The Case of Ms. Western



Not Observed

Use of cooperative learning

Active student engagement in learning

Inspired motivation and curiosity

Integration of many subject areas: economics, language arts, math

Allows for variety of leadership roles

Teacher neglected to allow students to have a voice

The teacher did not pose thought provoking questions

When a wrong answer was given, she did not follow up with probing questions

Ms. Western used the graphing program so students did not practice the technology

Did not observe students identifying problems, researching, analyzing, evaluating

Did not observe student reflection on their own learning

Did not observe peer directed interaction and discussion

Students were not observed working on math skills--teacher assumed responsibility

Strengths of the INTIME Model:

Students stated that the I
NTIME model allows perspective teachers an opportunity to observe the teacher and students as they interact. They wrote that the videos could be used to compare and contrast the teachers and to practice the identification of strengths and weaknesses of teachers.

Weaknesses of the INTIME Model:

Students suggested that if the video is to be used as a teaching tool, why not include examples of teachers who need some improvement as opposed to "exemplary teachers." They recommended combining sections one and two for a more focused experience. Most important, they thought the video clips should include different segments for each category of instruction and not repeat the same clips again and again.

The Case of Mrs. Challens



Not Observed

Evidence of student learning styles addressed

Students encouraged to problem solve and think critical

Active student engagement in learning in both class discussions and small groups

Learning in a relaxed and informal setting

Identified patterns and made connections

Collaborative learning

Student choice and student decision-making

Students highly motivated

Teacher utilized students' prior knowledge

Students required to organize and present findings

Little evidence of students using higher order thinking related to social studies content--surface learning "Find the state bird, state nickname, etc."

No observation of students evaluating and interpreting information

Video does not show how technology can be used to support learning of social studies content

Rubric did not align with her objectives

Did not see students reflecting on their learning

Did not see students evaluating or interpreting information

Did not see social studies standards addressed--students did not analyze multiple perspectives or ethical dimensions of the topic

Did not observe gender equity or family involvement

Never observed a finished product to be able to make a judgment about student learning

Strengths of the INTIME Model:

Students stated that this model has great potential for teachers in training. It utilizes direct and inductive instruction and lends itself to facilitate cooperative learning. They found it helpful to watch a teacher, reflect on what they observed, then discuss it as a group. When they disagreed they were able to replay the video. They stated that the cases illustrated the use of Gardner's multiple intelligences and that the format is excellent for diverse learners because it has text, sound and video—with the ease of replay. 

Weaknesses of the I

The students wrote that the biggest area of weakness was in the lack of strong evidence for all the criteria I
NTIME lists in the model. The students did not observe depth and strength of instruction in the social studies content. They did not observe cause and effect analysis, multiple perspectives, or the use of primary source documents. They noted that the project called for the lowest levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. They did not observe the highest levels of Banks' Model of Curriculum Transformation. The students stated that being able to observe student work samples would help them evaluate the quality of student learning. Finally, the voiceover was a problem—students found it difficult to draw their own conclusions when observing because the voiceover was telling them what to see and think. IN many cases, they felt that what the voiceover was claiming was there was in fact not evident. The students suggested removing the voiceover and placing it in a separate section. This would allow the viewer to formulate his or her own opinion. They also suggested including samples of student work—perhaps in two or three stages of development—but certainly the finished product. Finally, they felt that the videos were not good examples of teaching diverse students.

The Case of Ms. Robinson



Not Observed

Students worked together interdependently

Students appeared to be intrinsically motivated 

Students were able to choose which vehicle to create

Students put their own work and voices into the technology presentation

Students were able to follow the pattern story

The teacher used whole class and individual instruction

Students were given opportunities to interact with each other and provide feedback

Increased student appreciation for the subject by incorporating children's literature that was familiar

Some higher level thinking--application of a pattern, synthesis--creation of a slide

Opportunity to create drafts

Teacher provided continuous feedback

Well managed classroom

The teacher hindered creativity and higher level thinking

The students were told which colors and elements to add--she seemed to want students to create their drawings according to her unstated expectations

The teacher could have shown more warmth and enthusiasm

The teacher told them what to do "Put that on the sidewalk, color the sun yellow"

Students did not engage in problem solving activities

Social studies content overshadowed by language arts

No effort to incorporate cultural differences in the classroom such as modes of transportation in other countries

The teacher moved through the technology program quickly and performed many of the technology tasks--technology was used to enhance the product--not integral to the learning of the lesson content

Did not show the teacher addressing different learning styles/unique needs of students

Her class contained several ESL students but no effort was made to incorporate native language or address language needs

No reflection on learning or problem solving

No research observed

No use of cross cultural/multiple perspectives

No observations of parent involvement or the use of peers as a resource

Strengths of the INTIME Model:

Students wrote that the I
NTIME case study assignment gave them the opportunity to interact and learn in a cooperative group. They participated in student-led discussions. The use of the CD-ROM (the cases had been placed on CD-ROM's) provided practice in the use of technology. The model demonstrated how technology can be used to enhance learning across subjects. The INTIME videos could be perceived as constructivist in that the videos were primary source materials that the preservice student can manipulate. All the videos provided different examples of various strategies of instruction. The video in conjunction with the evaluation form provided the opportunity to look in-depth at one teacher's practices. The videos had both male and female teachers from diverse geographic areas.

Weaknesses of the I
NTIME Model:

Students stated in their Final report that the largest area for improvement was in the area of the voiceover narration. They stated that "By placing the narration over the action of the video, the makers changed what could have been a wonderful inductive experience into a direct instruction lecture on video." They wrote that they were not provided with the opportunity to use their own higher level thinking to analyze the teacher. In addition, the videos should have shown an entire class period rather than edited sections. The segments were very repetitive and the students were only shown what the makers felt was important. They stated that it would have been helpful to observe how technology could be used to learn social studies content—such as using the web to locate primary source documents or using meaningful social studies software to learn concepts. Finally, they commented on the lack of diversity in the classroom—diversity was not well represented. The videos did not show how multiple perspectives could be used in the teaching of social studies or how incorporating students differences could be used to benefit student learning.

Conclusions and Recommendations

Incorporating the I
NTIME case studies as a tool for teaching students how to reflect upon and analyze classroom instruction has yielded meaningful results; however, student learning occurred chiefly because they were encouraged to challenge the stated claims of the video makers. The students in the methods course valued the opportunity to view a real classroom and critique the teacher's work according to clear criteria as described in the model. They were able to verify many of the claims made by the INTIME developers but also pointed out important weaknesses and absences that challenged the running commentary. The students valued being able to replay segments, challenge their classmates' assertions, and imagine other possible ways to teach the lessons.

Through this process, they found many important weaknesses not noted by the developers. Perhaps the most repeated concern was that the technology was not used in the service of learning social studies content but as a way to enhance the presentation of content. In the teaching of social studies, technology could be employed to help students access important primary source documents, evaluate the validity of sources, locate important sites that teach meaningful information, and use software that helps students explore important social studies concepts. None of these uses were incorporated (with the exception of the case of Ms. Western). Instead technology was most often used to make a presentation more visually appealing or to capture a performance on tape or to publish work students had previously created. Thus, the cases do not provide good examples of the integration of social studies and technology. In fact, in many of the cases the content addressed is non-existent as in the case of Mrs. Hemphill, in which students create a culture based on their own knowledge—they integrated no knowledge of culture into their presentations and perhaps because they were creating a culture out of thin air they incorporated their own stereotypes of other cultures, portraying them as primitive.

In addition, students commented that a more effective mode of presentation would have been a constructivist one. Here I yield to the articulate words of one group, "By placing the narration over the action of the video, the makers changed what could have been a wonderful inductive experience into a direct instruction lecture on video." Perhaps the narration could be placed as an option after each segment is viewed. The students also suggested incorporating questions at strategic points. The developers have made an erroneous assumption that exemplary teaching has no room for improvement and therefore the analysis is silent on important issues and concerns that the students noted. This demonstrated to me their ability to critically analyze instruction using important course concepts and the I
NTIME model.

The students commented again and again about the problems with repeating the same segment from the classroom to illustrate different components of the model. The students would have liked to view a full lesson and diverse clips. An additional component that would help them evaluate the strength of instruction is the ability to view student work samples. Finally, they felt that portraying the work of culturally and racially diverse teachers in diverse classrooms would improve the materials. There was little evidence of teachers seeking to address the needs of culturally diverse students (Race and ethnicity, gender, ESL, special needs, socio-economic status).

It is clear from the analysis the students provided that they have had ample opportunities to use important course concepts and aspects of the I
NTIME model to critically analyze the video cases. They were able to refine and develop the skills of reflection and critical analysis. They have highlighted many strengths of the INTIME model and pointed out critical weaknesses that should be addressed to improve important learning out comes for students. I have valued the learning opportunity this model has provided.