Malcolm Price Laboratory School DVD & Booklet

Be a Buddy, Not a Bully! DVD and classroom guidance curriculum booklet


A. To teach basic definitions of a buddy and a bully and to use common language about these concepts.

B. To teach basic strategies to respond to bullying

C. To empower the students by emphasizing assertion and self-confidence

D. To teach bystanders to bullying actions they can take action.

E. To teach compassion and empathy.



DVD & Print Materials Information:


Cost of DVD/Booklet: $60.00

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Classroom Guidance Curriculum Booklet
This classroom guidance curriculum booklet has 24 bully prevention lessons for grades K-5 linked to the National Standards for School Counseling Programs. The curriculum was created as a result of a Malcolm Price Laboratory School/University of Northern Iowa task force in 2003-2004 to review and discuss current research on bullying in schools and was implemented during the 2004-2005 academic year at Malcolm Price Laboratory School. 

DVD Structure
The DVD includes a photo-montage of Malcolm Price Laboratory School students on the playground, original student artwork, bully prevention cheers, and a rap that are integrated into the curriculum's lessons. Some of the random post-intervention interviews with PLS elementary students are included. Finally, it includes PLS students performing and singing the Caring Community Song, written and composed by Michelle Swanson, PLS elementary music teacher.