


Note: The following references represent a broad cross-section of books written about Asian Americans. However, they do not all positively portray Asian Americans and should be evaluated using Evaluating Children's Books for Bias For example:

Blake, B. (1995). A guide to children’s books about Asian Americans. Altershot Hants, England: Scholar Press.

Beilke, P. & Sciara, F. (1986). Selecting materials for and about Hispanic and East Asian children and young people. Hamden, CT: Library Professional Publications.

Guidelines for selecting bias-free textbooks and storybooks. (1980). New York: Council on Interracial Books for Children.

Kutzer, M.D. (1995) Writers of Multicultural Fiction for young adults: A bio-critical sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Marantz, S. & Marantz, K. (1994). Multicultural picture books: Art for understanding others. Worthington, OH: Linworth Publishing, Inc.

Note: Even though the following resources do not all portray Asian Americans positively, we have included them as references for you to see what a sample list looks like, not as a recommended reading list. It is likely the books you use will contain both positive and negative elements, and it is anticipated that you will learn to discriminate between them.