II. Technology Resources and Tools for Information Literacy

IIa. Tools to Access Information


Use World Wide Web sources to access information and analyze the authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance.



I do not use the World Wide Web to access and analyze information.



I am aware that educational sources exist on the Web, but I do not use the Web regularly to find educational information.



I use lists of Web resources and make profitable use of Web search engines to explore educational resources to find lesson plans and/or teacher materials. I use a variety of search strategies, including the use of Boolean (and, or, not) searches to help target the search. I follow links from these sites to various Web resources. I regularly evaluate Web resources for authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners that involve my students in learning to efficiently access Web resources in their research and evaluate the authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance. My activities require students go beyond the "go find out about…" level by structuring a search across a variety of sources and formats to locate the best information to meet a particular need.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using Web resources to access information as compared to or combined with traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.


Use electronic informational and reference sources (e.g., CD-ROMs or laserdiscs about oceans, art, Shakespeare, or Africa; or a periodical index; or a multimedia encyclopedia) to access information and analyze the authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance.



I do not use electronic informational and reference sources.



I conduct simple searches with the electronic encyclopedia, periodical index, and library catalog when required for research.



I have evaluated several electronic informational and reference resources for the appropriate grade level and content area for my students' research. I use a variety of search strategies, including the use of Boolean (and, or, not) searches to help target the search.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners that involve my students in learning to efficiently access information in electronic formats for their research and to evaluate the authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance. My activities require students go beyond the "go find out about…" level by structuring a search across a variety of sources and formats to locate the best information to meet a particular need.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using electronic resources to access information as compared to or combined with traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.


Use audio/visual resources (audiotapes, videos or slides) to access information and analyze the authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance.



I do not use audio/visual resources.



I use audio/visual resources to find and present information.



I have evaluated several audio/visual resources for instructional use with students in a particular grade level and content area.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners that involve my students in learning to use audio/visual resources to find information and evaluate the authority, accuracy, currency, and relevance.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using audio/visual resources to access information as compared to or combined with traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.

IIb. Tools to Use Information


Use Internet and e-mail to communicate with others.



I do not use Internet and e-mail to communicate with others.



I have an e-mail account, but I use it only to e-mail friends and family.



I use e-mail when required for classes and have belonged to a listserv in my professional area. I check my e-mail account on a regular basis and maintain my mail folders in an organized manner.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners that involve my students in using e-mail or telecollaborative project websites to communicate with other students and experts at remote sites. Examples may include the GLOBE project where students share local scientific data with others from around the world, a Virtual Field Trip to another country, sharing of peace poems, or one of the many telecollaborative projects listed at sites such as Kidlink (http://www.kidlink.org./KIDPROJ/index.html) or Global SchoolNet (http://www.gsn.org/).



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using e-mail and telecollaborative project websites to communicate with others as compared to or combined with traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.


Use video conferencing such as the Iowa Communications Network (ICN) to communicate with others.



I have not seen video conferencing and am not aware of its use for education.



I am aware of video conferencing but have had limited involvement in an interactive session using video conferencing.



I have presented information using video conferencing.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners that involve my students in video conferencing sessions with other students or experts at remote sites.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using video conferencing to communicate with others as compared to or combined with traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.


Use multimedia software to create multimedia reports or presentations.



I do not use multimedia software.



I am aware that it is possible to create multimedia presentations and have experimented with the software at a basic level, but I usually present my information to classes or groups in a single application such as a handout or transparency.



I create professional multimedia reports or presentations, which incorporate various multimedia elements such as sound, video clips, and graphics.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners to teach students how to use multimedia report or presentation software to present information creatively or persuasively.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using multimedia report and presentation software to produce reports as compared to traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.


Use World Wide Web authoring software or HTML code to create an educational website.



I have not published on the World Wide Web and do not see a curricular application for doing so.



I am aware that I could create my own Web page to match students with curricular materials.



I create professional resources on the Web such as curriculum pages to guide my students to relevant websites.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners to teach my students how to publish their projects on the Web.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using Web publishing to publish student projects as compared to traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.


Use audio/visual technology (audiotape, video or slides) to produce artistic or informational audio/visual projects.



I do not produce audio/visual projects.



I am aware of audio- and video-editing techniques.



I create audiotapes and videotapes for classroom instruction, using basic editing techniques.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners to teach my students how to use audio/visual technology to produce an original audio or visual project, using basic editing techniques.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using audio/visual technology to produce an audio or visual project as compared to traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.

IIc. Software Applications


Use word processing and print layout design applications to compose, revise, and produce materials, documents, newsletters, or brochures.



I do not use a word processor.



I use a word processing program for simple documents, which I know I will modify and use again.



I use a word processing program for nearly all my written professional work: papers, letters, creation of lesson plans, units, worksheets, newsletters, and other classroom materials. I edit, spell check, change the format, and add graphics or tables to documents. I feel my work looks professional.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners that require my students to use word processors to compose, revise, and produce professional-looking reports, newsletters, brochures, etc.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using word processing to produce reports, etc. as compared to or combined with traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.


Use databases to collect, organize, and analyze data and produce meaningful reports to aid in problem solving.



I do not use databases.



I understand the use of a database and can locate information from a pre-made database such as an automated library catalog.



I create my own databases to collect and analyze data. I define the fields and choose a layout to organize information I have gathered. I use my database to answer questions about my information.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners to teach students to create and use databases to collect, organize, and analyze data and produce meaningful reports to answer questions about their information.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using databases to collect, organize, and analyze data to produce meaningful answers as compared to or combined with traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.


Use spreadsheets to calculate and display information and produce meaningful reports to aid in problem solving.



I do not use spreadsheets.



I understand the use of a spreadsheet and can navigate within one. I can create a simple spreadsheet, which adds a column of numbers.



I use spreadsheets for a variety of data-keeping tasks. I use labels, formulas, cell references, and formatting tools in my spreadsheets. I choose charts that best represent my data.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners to teach students to use spreadsheets to improve their own data keeping, analysis, and report-generating skills.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using spreadsheets to calculate and display data and produce meaningful reports as compared to or combined with traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.


Use graphic organizer software to display information graphically for brainstorming or decision-making sessions.



I do not use graphic organizer software.



I understand the use of graphic organizers and can create simple concept maps or drawings of related concepts.



I use graphic organizers, displayed with a projection unit, to facilitate brainstorming or decision-making sessions or to create handouts or transparencies that illustrate related concepts.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners to teach students how to use graphic organizer software to organize their thoughts and ideas about a topic.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities using graphic organizers to create concept maps as compared to traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students, including diverse learners.


Use instructional software to support student learning and professional review sources to match software to the needs of learners in the special education or regular classroom.



I am not aware of instructional software and ways to match it to the needs of learners.



I have read or heard about professional review sources to assist me in evaluating and locating a variety of instructional software.



I have used and evaluated a variety of instructional software.



I have designed authentic learning activities for diverse learners that incorporate instructional software appropriate for the needs of the learner.



I reflect upon and make educated decisions in determining the effectiveness of activities that incorporate a variety of instructional software appropriate for the needs of the learner, as compared to traditional methods in producing intended learner outcomes for all students.

Note:  The competencies were published in Tech Trends by:  Krueger, K., Hansen, L., & Smaldino, S. (2000 April). Preservice teacher technology competencies. Tech Trends 44(3) 47-50.