Timetable/Schedule of the Project


Year 1: September, 1999 – August, 2000

September 1999

§         After receiving PT3 grant, Dr. Bill Callahan (Project Co-Director) participates in PT3 Project Directors Meeting; UNI, as lead institution for INTIME, prepares application for an Addendum PT3 grant.  

October 1999

§         Trial, one-camera video recorded of a teacher lesson example for project video scenarios.  Three-camera recording session planned for February 2000.

§         Initial group of PreK-12 teachers are selected to have their classroom lessons videotaped, analyzed, and made available on the INTIME web site.  

November 1999

§         Research and writing begins to document elements of INTIME model, Technology as a Facilitator of Quality Education (TFQE). Graduate students hired for this phase of project.  

December 1999 - January 2000

§         INTIME coordinates development of Technology as Facilitator of Quality Education Model with ISTE NETS-T

§         Dr. Sharon Smaldino, INTIME administrative team member, participates in revision of International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Recommended Educational Technology Foundations Standards for All Teachers.

§         Karla Krueger, Project Co-Director, helps draft revision of ISTE standards.  

February 2000

§         Dr. Callahan makes presentation with Dr. Tom Carroll, PT3 national director, U.S. Department of Education, on “Institutional Strategies to Prepare Technology Proficient Teachers” for American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) conference.  

March 2000

§         25 PreK-12 teachers attend first Video Participant Workshop at UNI to receive in-depth training on TFQE model and videotaping instructions.  Pilot video shown at workshop featuring narrative of one of the project teachers. 

§         Another 20 PreK-12 teachers chosen for a July 2000 Video Participant Workshop.

§         INTIME web site development progresses.  Paper prototypes of web site completed.

§         Database to support search and retrieval of videos and associated materials has been designed and tested.

§         Design of interface to support playback of videos on Internet is well underway. It will include scrolling text and links to specific materials for each video.

§         INTIME staff attend PT3 video case study group meeting.  

April 2000

§         Videotaping of the first 20 PreK-12 teachers begins.

§         Methods faculty are nominated and chosen for the project from five universities.  About half come from colleges of education and half from colleges of arts and sciences.  They represent diverse content areas so integration of INTIME videos and content-specific technology occurs across all subject disciplines.  

June 2000

§         INTIME administrative team attends PT3 Project Director's Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia (Dr. Bill Callahan, Karla Krueger, Dr. Sharon Smaldino, Doreen Hayek).

§         INTIME presentation made at National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Atlanta.  

July 2000

§         2nd INTIME Video Participant Workshop held at UNI for 20 additional PreK-12 educators.  They receive in-depth training on TFQE model and instructions about videotaping.  

August 2000

§         Number of methods faculty members participating in INTIME increases from 30 to 40 as teams of educators work together to revise courses.  Over 50 total courses will be revised by the end of the project.

§         One to two graduate assistants hired at each participating university for the academic year.  They assist methods faculty with classroom laboratories, administering Preservice Teacher Technology Competencies online student survey, and videostreaming from faculty offices. 

Year 2: September 2000 – August 2001

October 2000

§         INTIME Methods Faculty Workshop held at UNI for university faculty from five participating universities. They learn strategies for integrating the INTIME online videos, online discussion forum, and other content-specific technology resources into teacher education courses.  Participants preview the Technology Competencies Assessment tool based on the UNI Preservice Teacher Technology Competencies.

§         Web site visits to INTIME.uni.edu average about 2,000 each month.  

November 2000

§         Karla Krueger and Caroline Lange present Web Poster session “INTIME: Integrating New Technology into the Methods of Education: A PT3 Catalyst Grant" at WebNet 2000, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), San Antonio, TX.  

December 2000

§         INTIME’s online database of PreK-12 teachers integrating technology into their classrooms includes finished videos for 13 of the original 50 teachers.  The web site has eight videos for each of the 13 teachers, or 104 videos searchable on the web site.  Thirty-five of the PreK-12 teachers have been videotaped; 15 teachers remain to be taped. 

§         INTIME staff determine it requires 150 hours for each teachers’ set of nine videos to be completed from videotaping to online web site capabilities.  

January 2001

§         Sixteen methods faculty at five participating universities incorporate INTIME materials in a spring 2001 semester class.

§         INTIME web site includes elements of all seven TFQE model components which have definitions, checklists or indicators, and written examples illustrating the interpretation or meaning of each element.

§         Web CT online forum on the INTIME web site is ready to use.  

February 2001

§         Web site visits to INTIME.uni.edu jump to 4,000 per month.

§         Dr. Bill Callahan presents “Changing the Student‑Teacher Relationship Through New Technology Influenced Pedagogy” at 9th American Association of Higher Education (AAHE) Conference.

§         Dr. Callahan presents INTIME information at ATE 2001 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Advocacy for Best Practice in Teacher Education strand.  

March 2001

§         Dr. Callahan moderates PT3 session at AACTE Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Dallas, TX, “Leadership for the Effective Integration of Technology into Educator Preparation Programs:  A Dialogue with, by, and for Deans of Schools, Colleges, and Departments of Education.”

§         Seventeen sets of completed videos have been posted to the web site.  Forty‑five of the 50 original teachers have been taped.  Three new teachers in the areas of foreign language, industrial technology, and music have been added and will be taped by May 2001.

§         Dr. Callahan makes INTIME presentation at AACE/SITE 2001.    

April 2001

§         INTIME staff determines a need to tape four additional teachers to increase the subject content available on the web site.  This brings the total to 57 lessons taped, each in nine versions, providing 513 videos on the INTIMEweb site.

§         Twenty-two sets of videos are posted to the INTIMEweb site.  Each lesson set includes descriptions of the seven elements of the TFQE model, a lesson plan explained by the teacher, and an activity overview video.

§         University methods faculty respond to an INTIMEsurvey with information about their use of the TFQE model and INTIME videos in their methods course revisions.  Satisfaction with video quality and model seem high.

§         INTIME promotional CD-ROM and accompanying brochure are distributed at conference presentations. The promotional CD explains the TFQE model, gives a preview of the INTIME web site, and offers nine sample videos from the web site.

§         INTIME writing and production staff work with Washington D.C. educational consultant to create CD-ROM and print material to promote resources of all PT3 projects nationally. 

§         Work begins on Core Knowledge addition to enhance the Content section the project web site.  

Summer 2001

§         Project personnel designs and produces Preparing Tomorrow’s Teacher’s to Use Technology (PT3) promotional CD boxes and singles to be distributed to university presidents, provosts, vice presidents, and deans.  258 PT3 boxes are distributed.

§         A new matrix is developed on the website and in print linking INTIME with a number of Professional Teaching Standards.

§         Karla Krueger, Doreen Hayek, and Dr. Bill Callahan feature the project at four sessions at the Annual Director’s Meeting for PT3 Grantees in Washington, D.C.  Sessions include:  INTIME: Integrating New Technologies Into the Methods of Education, INTIMEVideos and Case Study Development, and an INTIMEStreet Fair Poster Display and Table Top Exhibit. 

·        INTIME is presented at Conferences: AECT (Assoc. for Educational Communication and Technology) and NECC (National Educational Computing Conference).  

Year 3: September 2001 – August 2002

Fall, 2001

§         The project has distributed 533 PT3 promotional CD boxes at various conferences and meetings university presidents, vice presidents, provosts, deans, and other leaders.  A total of 791 have been distributed since the production.

§         Project staff begins writing Probing Questions for pre-viewing and post-viewing to accompany each video. As of Dec 2001, 18 sets of probing questions were completed with activity overview and 15 without activity overview.

§         Project staff begins designing video case studies builder for the INTIME website to enhance interaction with the videos and create greater ease using them.  

§         All 35 methods faculty are using INTIME videos and web site resources in their methods course revisions. 

§         Faculty/student/ classroom teacher use of Web CT forum increases.

§         INTIME staff determine a need to tape five additional teachers to increase the subject content available on the web site.  This brings the total to 62 lessons taped, each in nine versions, providing 558 videos on the INTIMEweb site.

§         Evaluation efforts continue: Preservice Teacher Technology Competencies data collected from teacher education students who are taking the revised courses are being interpreted. The pre and post-tests, are being grouped to facilitate focus on every individual student. Stages of Concerns Questionnaire (SOCQ) data, collected from 15 faculty who implemented revised courses in spring 2001, is being interpreted.

§         Twenty-seven faculty members from the five participating universities are implementing INTIMEgrant materials into one or more of their classes during the Fall 2001 semester.

§         An online course on the selection and integration of technology is being prepared for use in spring 2002.

§         Multicultural Education sub-web is under development. It is aimed towards preparing teachers to take cultural needs into consideration. This will help teachers to teach more effectively.

§         Collaborations are established with other college initiatives:  Different versions of the INTIME CD will be developed to share the INTIME resources internationally. The translation work of the model is being carried out in Spanish, Romanian, Russian, French, Chinese and Portuguese. The initial translations of the TFQE model are available on the website.

§         New versions of the INTIME presentation and promotional CDs have been developed that reflect new project additions and developments.

§         The project distributed 973 promotional INTIME CDs at various conferences and meetings to educators at all levels, including university faculty, and administrators as well as pre-service and in-service teachers and administrators.

·        Meetings and Conferences attended: IEREA (Iowa Educational Research & Evaluation Assoc), TIES (Technology Conference for Education), NCSS (National council for the Social Studies), MAHPED (Missouri Assoc. of Health, Physical Education  & Dance), NASULGC (National Assoc. of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges), AECT (Assoc. for Educational Communications & Technology), NREA (National Rural Education Assoc.), AACE/SITE (Assoc. for Advancement of Computing in Education), AACTE & Vanderbilt University Meeting, MWALL Fall 2001 Conference, ITEC/IaASCD (Iowa Assoc. of Supervision & Curriculum /Iowa Technology & Education Connection), University of South Carolina mini-conference, “Educational Applications of Web-Based Video Resources”.

·        Total of 33 video activities and related materials were made available on the project web site.  

Spring 2002


  • Project Evaluation team analyses and interprets Technology competencies test responses of 346 students from 5 partner universities. This report was forwarded to INTIME participating faculty, who used the project during the fall 2001 semester. This includes 270 pre-tests and 76 post-test results.

    • Objective: To compare level of technology skills by comparing pre and post tests. Students for fall 2001 showed no change.

  • Project Evaluation team analyses SoCQ graphs for 119 sets of all participating faculty (Fall 2001), who sent their latest stages of concern questionnaire.

    • Objective: To assess the concerns that INTIMEmethods faculty have with implementation of project over time in their classrooms. The graphs indicate the increased comfort and familiarity in using innovation. The individual feedback is shared with the faculty.

  • Conclusions from web site usability questionnaire about the usability of INTIME website resources were circulated to 35 INTIME participating methods faculty.

    • Objective: To assess the project developed materials they used and what improvements can be made. This report is primarily created as a part of the external Evaluator’s report and for the Ed.Meda and Technology Yearbook, 2003.

  • PT3 Baseline surveys completed by participating faculty are being analyzed.

  • Work has started on the article for Ed.Media and Technology Yearbook, 2003 to be included in the next volume of the title. Ed.Media and tech specialists and school administrators access the yearbook.

  • Project staff continually monitor the WebTrends Server reports, that show that the since February, 2000, the project website has received over 5 million hits and over 114,000 visits, with the average number of hits per day at 5,412. The top geographic region is North America (82,963 visits) and the most active countries are the US (81,873), UK (1,136), and Australia (1,071).

Online Courses:

  • The first online course based on INTIME materials was taught this semester. The course “Selection and integration of media for graduate students was taught by Dr.Sharon Smaldino and Dr. Mary Herring. The course was taught with only online course materials like INTIME, and other web sources in conjunction with an NCREL based project called “EnGauge”.

  • “EnGuage” contents are referenced in the INTIMEwebsite. Students read the INTIME model elements, the graphic organizer from NCREL, watched INTIMEvideos, and use other educational websites for an overall view of the course.

  • Students were asked for permission for interpretation and analysis of their reflective postings of the course in WebCT. This analysis will be conducted after the end of Spring’02 semester by Dr.Smaldino and Dr.Herring.

  • An online course on information literacy featuring INTIME videos as case studies and professional development resources is being prepared for use in summer 2002.

Technology As Facilitator of Quality Education Model:

  • New content areas to INTIME website were added relating to Pedagogy. These are based on latest NBPTS editions.

Linking INTIME to Standards:

  • This is an ongoing effort to establish connections between educational theory and research, represented in the TFQE Model, and the teaching standards of a number of professional teaching associations. 

  • The Technology As Facilitator of Quality Education Model is aligned with standards from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC), Renaissance Teacher Work Sample (RTWS), University of Northern Iowa Office of Student Field Experiences (OSFE), and the International Society for Technology in Education’s National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers project (ISTE NETS*T).· Alignment with the Iowa Teaching Standards was added this semester.

  • Explanations stating why any two or more standards are correlated are included by selecting those cells in the table on the website.

Probing Questions:

  • As of May, 2002, sets of probing questions for 35 teachers were completed.

  • 22 of these include activity overviews;13 teachers have probing questions without activity overview questions because the activity overview videos were not yet finished.

  • As of Dec 2001, 18 sets of probing questions were completed with activity overview and 15 without activity overview.

Core Knowledge:

  • The core knowledge standards, McCREL and National standards were linked to from the INTIMEcontent standard pages.

  • All the tables are on the web. The project was completed this semester.

Multicultural Work:

  • The multicultural sub web was added to the INTIMEweb site. One multicultural skit was taped during the semester and made available on the Multicultural education website.

  • 10 Teacher videos were selected from INTIMEactivities that are good examples of multicultural educational setting. Probing questions were written for these 10 activity overviews. 3 previewing and 3 post-viewing questions are available for each.

  • Work has started on case studies, probing questions, and skit write-ups for the multicultural site. Two teachers were chosen for tables for videos to be made for diversity discussions. Tables are written but not handed in for rough-cut yet. These will be used in the future to stage a discussion about diversity in the videos. This discussion of the videos’ diversity would be video-taped.

  • A checklist of observable behaviors, sample reflective questions and sample extension activities have been written for multicultural case studies.

Case Studies:

  • 35 contextual information sections are completed. 25 of these have been revised to include a paragraph on “school characteristics.  

  • The build your own case study feature was made live on the web.  

  • All model element checklists of observable characteristics were completed. For the content standards and pedagogy case studies, customized checklists were created for each of the teachers to allow them to be specific for the content area and grade level as appropriate.  

  • 300+ case studies video vignettes can be used. 

Co-operative Learning:

  • Project staff started to work on a new addition to the INTIME site – cooperative learning.  

  • 4 areas were made available on the project website. 6 additions are edited but not posted on the web. 5 PowerPoint presentation areas in English and Romanian are also ready to be put on the web.  

  • Videos illustrating co-operative learning activities were selected: Set of 6 tapes (3 angles) of Vicki Olson (12 hrs of footage), who conducted a science and math activity in Spring 2001 (dissecting owl pellets, math problems). The second set of 6 tapes (3 angles) is of Rick Vanderwall (10 –12 hrs of footage), a high school English class Shakespeare cooperative activity (Midsummer Night's Dream).  

  • A short rough-cut tape (5-6 clips) was made last year with INTIME clips illustrating cooperative learning activities.

  • The project received permission from Johnson and Johnson to use their books for our web site, including the translated versions. 

Teaching Standards DVD:

  • This DVD will be based on the eight Iowa teaching standards for teacher evaluation. 

  • Each standard will be introduced in the following sections: 1) Introduction (1-2 min), 2) Theory (2-5 min), 3) Video examples (13-15 min), and 4) Summary (1-2 min). 

  • Eight rough cuts were created, watched, and discussed. Video footage and narrations will be edited during the Summer 2002. 

  • Print materials of teaching strategies will accompany the DVD.

Democracy DVD: 

  • The democracy DVD is an offspring of the INTIMEproject supported by a new project.

  • The project is in collaboration with MPLS (Malcolm Price Lab School) at the University of Northern Iowa.

  • Work toward a DVD containing video vignettes of PK-12 with Price Lab teachers integrating democracy component in their classrooms has started.

  • The videos will help align INTIME Tenets of Democracy with the character education principles implemented at Price Lab School. This will enrich the observable behavior checklist in the INTIME site as well as the character education principles of MPLS.

  • The project materials will guide inservice, preservice, students and administrators to improve student learning through introduction of democratic ideas.

  • INTIME team delivered an inservice for MPLS teachers who will be taped.

  • 6 activities were taped at MPLS.


  • The “build your own case study” feature was made available on the project site. Project staff tested the feature on all operating systems.

  • An online Web Usability Survey questionnaire was developed and administrated to INTIME participating faculty. This will be followed up next year.

  • Additions and changes were made to lesson plans to include the print feature.

  • Changes and updates were made to the video search database

  • Additions and changes to the International INTIMEversions; a new navigation bar and materials were added.

  • Additions and changes were made to the multicultural site.

  • Work was completed on the core knowledge site.

  • Additions were made to the Linking to Standards (Rosetta) section on the website.

  • Additions were made to probing questions.

  • 90 new videos (10 new lessons) were added to the site, bringing the total to 378 videos (42 lessons).

Conference Information:

  • January 2002, ICRSME (International Consortium for research in Science and Mathematics Education): ICRSME 9th Annual meeting, Panama city, Panama. Khalid Tashin presented a paper, “INTIME: using research tools to assess and evaluate new online resources”. · January 9th, 2002, NITA (North Iowa Technology Fair): 2002 7th Annual Affair, Mason City, IA. Karla Krueger, Vicki Oleson did a concurrent session on INTIME: An Online Video Resource for Technology Professional Development. 

  • January 23-26, 2002 , AAC&U (Assoc. of Am. Colleges & Universities) : 88tth AAC&U Annual Meeting: “Changing Students in a Changing World, Washington, DC . Bill Callahan conducted a 60 min Research Session on Using Technology to Shape the Curriculum for Tomorrow’s world: INTIME, a PT3 Catalyst Initiative. · February 23-26, 2002. AACTE (Am. Assoc. of Colleges for Teacher Education): 2002 Annual Meeting & Exhibits, NY. Thomas Switzer, Bill Callahan, Kathy Oakland, Masha Plakhotnik & Simona Sarbu presented, “INTIME: Using Online Video Case Studies in Methods Courses for Preservice Teachers” and exhibited the project. March 6-9, 2002, NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English): NCTE Spring 2002 Conference, Portland, OR. Corina Cimpoeru & Cheryl Timion did a presentation, “Video Case Studies: An Innovation in Teacher Preparation.”

  • March 7-9, 2002, NMSA (National Middle School Assoc.): 11th Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. Donna Schumacher-Douglas presented, “INTIME: A PT3 Catalyst Grant.”

  • March 9-11, 2002, ASCD (Assoc. for Supervision & Curriculum Development): 57th Annual Conference & Exhibit Show, San Antonio, TX. Doreen Hayek & Sara Carroll presented the INTIME project at a regular session.

  • March 14-16, 2002, ITEA (Int-l Technology Education Assoc.): 6th Annual Conference, Columbus, OH. Vicki Oleson did a presentation, “The UNI Model for Integrating Technology.”

  • March 18-23, 2002, SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education): Annual Conference, Nashville, TN. Doreen Hayek & Diana Tanase presented INTIME in a Full Paper & Video Festival formats.

  • March 24-26, 2002, Renaissance Group Conference, Washington, D.C. Karla Krueger & Angela Fry exhibited INTIME.

  • April 1-5, 2002, AERA (Am. Educational Assoc.): 83d Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Yana Cornish demonstrated, “ INTIME –Integrating New Technologies Into the Methods of Education: Using Research Tools to Assess & Evaluate New Online Resources.”

  • April 21-24, 2002, NCTM (Nat-l. Council for Teachers of Mathematics): NCTM 2002 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NE. Donna Schumacher-Douglas presented, “INTIME: Integrating New Technologies Into the Methods of Mathematics Education.”  


  • The project distributed 968 PT3 promotional CD boxes promoting all Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology projects to university presidents, vice presidents, provosts, deans, and other leaders. Distribution took place at the conference for the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE), the Renaissance Group Spring Conference in Washington D.C., and the conference for the American Council on Education (ACE), and direct mailings were made to nearly 40 leaders of Renaissance Universities. A total of 1,759 boxes and 1, 550 single PT3 promotional CDs have been distributed since the production.

  • The project has distributed 933 promotional INTIMECDs at various conferences and meetings to educators at all levels, including university faculty, and administrators as well as pre-service and in-service teachers and administrators. A total of 1, 966 have been distributed throughout the project.

  • First INTIME newsletter published. 2000 copies of the four-page document were printed and disseminated The newsletter contains four articles: 1) “Real Teachers, Real students Real Classrooms INTIME Resources to Improve student learning” by Karla Krueger, 2) “Uses of INTIME by Teacher Educators”, 3) “A look at INTIME Demographics” by Meera Rajgopal.  

  • The newsletter was distributed on UNI campus to all Teacher Education faculty (262) and Deans, Directors and Department Heads (190), off-campus to partner faculty, administrators as well as other interested organizations and individuals, and teachers (in all, close to 2000 people).

  • 600 INTIME mousepads were ordered. 510 have been given away.

  • 4000 INTIME brochures were ordered throughout the project and a total of 3,520 have been distributed at conferences and meeting.

  • 1500 special brochures showing INTIME’s linking to standards tables were ordered and a total of 1,218 have been distributed at conferences and meetings.

International CD’s:

  •  In collaboration with other university initiatives, INTIME translations have been developed and expand the reach of the project to an international audience.


    French: All translations for INTIME model are completed. 

    • Videos were translated and synchronized 

    • Narration was translated and recorded for the promotional CD.   

  • Spanish: First draft of translation was completed for all areas of the model and 9 video vignettes. 

    • Promotional CD narration is translated and recorded. 

    • Slides for promotional CD is translated.   

  • Chinese: All translations for INTIME model are completed. 

    • Videos were translated and synchronized.

    • Narration was translated and recorded for the promotional CD.  

  • Portuguese: Half of the model elements are translated.

    Russian: All translations (including videos and promotional CD’s) are completed.

    • · Produced a test version of promotional CD.  

  • Romanian: Romanian version of INTIME is available online.

    • Produced INTIME promotional CD.  

  • Swahili: Work was started on a Swahili translation.