INTIME Progress Check University of Northern Iowa November, 2000

INTIME Progress Check 
University of Northern Iowa 
November, 2000

InTime Progress Check:

  • Initial Web Site Impact. There has been contact with several persons who have indicated an interest in utilizing our web site prior to its use with the faculty at our partner universities. Among the most notable:

  • Roger Kees, from the Northwest Computer Support Center in Northwest Wisconsin, contacted us to inquire about incorporating INTIME resources into staff development efforts for teachers in the 34 school districts they service. 

  • Dr. John Barnett, from the University of Auckland (New Zealand) School of Education, came across INTIME while searching for new technologies 

    being integrated in science education. He plans to visit UNI as part of his 

    sabbatical in January 2001. 

  • Technical Support Availability: Technical support instructions have been posted for the installation of RealPlayer software, which is a free browser “plug-in” required to view the videos on the INTIME web site. Additionally, a form has been posted for web site users to submit questions that have not been answered by the available “FAQ” (Frequently Asked Questions). In cases requiring more assistance, telephone support can be arranged. 

  • INTIME Teacher Education Faculty Course Revision Workshop.  Faculty members from the five universities participating in this grant (Eastern Michigan University, Emporia State University, Longwood College, Southeast Missouri State University, and the University of Northern Iowa) received in-depth training on the Technology as a Facilitator of Quality Education (TFQE) Model. Each educator will revise one methods course to incorporate resources from the project website, including the video examples, online discussion forums, and develop activities that will require teacher candidates to increase their proficiency in the effective use of technology in teaching and learning. Additionally, faculty will be required to apply to conferences and write articles about their experiences on the project.

  • GA’s Hired for Support of Teacher Education Faculty: UNI and the partner universities brought one graduate assistant to the workshop for training to support the Teacher Education Faculty. In addition to learning about the TFQE GA’s received instructions on install and configure RealPlayer software required to view the InTime videos, to use WebCT, TCAD, and will be expected to train the second GA from their school.· Technology Competencies Assessment Database (TCAD). The TCAD assessment tool based on the UNI Preservice Teacher Technology Competencies was previewed at the INTIME Teacher Education Faculty Workshop in October. 

  • Video Update.  Thirteen sets of completed videos have been posted to the web site. Subsequent videos will be posted as they become available. Thirty of the 50 teachers have been taped and the next 20 tapings are scheduled for completion by March 16, 2000. Recommendations for additional teachers were sought from Teacher Education Faculty attending the October workshop. Proposed applicants will receive an application from INTIME. The current 2000/2001 Taping Schedule may be viewed at

  • Web Site Development. Content is being added to the web site as it becomes available. Recently added materials include: Learning Activity Templates for videos, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), tips for viewing the videos, and technical support instructions. Additionally, documentation of “Students at the Center of their Own Learning” is in process and will be posted as another area of the TFQE model. 

    Overview videos for each area of the TFQE model will be produced to provide a through-line for identification and exploration of model area components. Work on these model area videos has already begun, with videos to be posted in the 3rd year of the grant.

PT3 Addendum Grant:

  • PT3 Dissemination Efforts. Applications to present PT3 information at various national conferences are still being made.

Meetings and Conferences Scheduled/Attended:

INTIME Project Presentations

  • February 21, 2001: CoSN (Consortium for School Networking) Web of Change, Washington, D.C. Dr. Bill Callahan will present INTIME as one of 17 workshops. 

  • February 19, 2001: ATE (Association of Teacher Educators) 2001 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Dr. Bill Callahan will information on INTIME as part of an Advocacy for Best Practice in Teacher Education strand.

  • November 2, 2000: WebNet 2000, AACE, San Antonio, TX. Karla Krueger and Caroline Lange presented a Web Poster session “INTIME: Integrating New Technology into the Methods of Education: A PT3 Catalyst Grant."· October 27-28, 2000: CILT (Center for Innovative Learning Technologies), Washington, DC. Dr. Bill Callahan made a presentation on INTIME as a part of the Synergy Theme Strand.

  • October 17, 2000: Iowa ASCD/ITEC (Iowa Association for Curriculum Development/Iowa Technology Educator Connection) Joint Conference, Des Moines, IA. Karla Krueger, Dr. Sharon Smaldino, and Doreen Hayek have a session titled "Online Videos of Exemplary Technology-Using Teachers.”

  • October 13, 2000: IVLA/IACT (Iowa Visual Literacy Association/Iowa Association of Communications Technology) Joint Conference, Ames, IA. Karla Krueger, Dr. Sharon Smaldino, Doreen Hayek have a session titled "Online Video Web Design."

PT3 Presentations:

  • February 1-4, 2001: 9th AAHE Conference on Faculty Roles and Rewards, Tampa, FL. Dr. Bill Callahan will present part of a concurrent session, “Changing the Student-Teacher Relationship Through New Technology Influenced Pedagogy.”