Multiperspective teaching of American, Canadian, Mexican, and World History
Culture-oriented Current Events Reporting by Students and Teachers
Tolerance/Anti-Racism-Oriented Teaching
Gender-Fair Instruction
Teaching Conflict Resolution Techniques
Mastery Teaching and Mastery Learning
Cooperative Learning
In-depth Interview with Parents and Ongoing, Gradual Ethnic and
Cultural Self-disclosure by Teachers and Students
Design and Implementation of Environmental Multicultural Units
Specially designed Academic Instruction in English (Also Known as Sheltered English Instruction)
Positive Predictions Regarding Students' Future Academic and Occupational Success
Self-esteem-oriented Education (as in Word of the Week and Child of the Week Programs)
Student-Specific Pedagogy (Learning-style-informed Teaching)
Teaching toward Self-directed Learning
Bilingual Education and Strategies Designed to Recruit More Bilingual Teachers and Teachers of Color
Davidman, L., & Davidman, P.T. (1997). Teaching with a multicultural perspective: A practical guide (2nd ed.). New York: Longman Publishers.