The Ethnic and Cultural Self-Disclosure Inventory

  1. Your name?

  2. Geographically, where are you from?  Where do you live now?

  3. Your mode of abode (I live with my friends, family, etc.).

  4. How long has your family or ancestors been on this continent?

  5. Where did your family or ancestors come from before coming to America?  Or were they always here?

  6. How many generations of your family, on both sides, have lived in the United States?

  7. What languages were or are spoken in your (childhood) home? What languages are spoken in your current domicile?

  8. Identify an author, book, film, or ritual you value or have especially enjoyed, and /or a significant event in your life.  An important book in your life like the Bible, Koran, or Torah should also be mentioned.

  9. Are you comfortable in describing yourself as a member of a racial, ethnic, and/or cultural group?  If so, which groups would you say you are a part of at this point in your life?

  10. Have you ever experienced interpersonal conflict because of your race, ethnicity, gender, cultural group, or an organization you were active in?  Was this conflict resolved in any way, and if so, how?

  11. Do you feel that your racial, ethnic, and/or cultural group membership (and the latter includes gender) has been a positive feature in your life?  If so, briefly explain why.

  12. At this point in your teacher education (or graduate school) program, do you have any opinions about multicultural education?

  13. Do you have a favorite hobby?

  14. If you are currently employed, describe where and what your current responsibilities are.

  15. When you have the license or credential you are seeking, in what organization and region would you like to begin, or continue, your career?


        Davidman, L., & Davidman, P.T. (1997).  Teaching with a multicultural perspective: A practical guide (2nd ed.). New York:  Longman Publishers.