INTIME Progress Check University of Northern Iowa June, 2000

INTIME Progress Check 
University of Northern Iowa 
June, 2000

Important Dates:

        June 15-16, 2000: Planning Meeting for Teacher Education Faculty Workshop, University of Northern Iowa.  Representatives of our partners in the grant will join us for a meeting to plan activities and goals for the workshop in October.

        July 13-14, 2000: 2nd INTIME Video Participant Workshop, University of Northern Iowa.  Approximately 25 Quality Educators from Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Michigan and Virginia will receive in-depth training on the Technology as a Facilitator of Quality Education Model and instruction about the video taping.  They will begin the evaluation component of the project.

        October 5-6, 2000: INTIME Teacher Education Faculty Workshop, University of Northern Iowa.  Teacher Education faculty members from the five universities participating in this grant (Eastern Michigan University, Emporia State University, Longwood College, Southeast Missouri State University, and the University of Northern Iowa) will receive in-depth training on the Technology as a Facilitator of Quality Education Model.  They will also explore how to integrate INTIME Website, videos, online discussion forums and technology competencies into their teacher education courses.

Meetings and Conferences Scheduled/Attended:

INTIME Project Presentations

        June 26, 2000:  NECC National Educational Computing Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.  Karla Krueger, Dr. Sharon Smaldino, and Doreen Hayek will present a Web-Poster session, "INTIME: Integrating New Technology into the Methods of Education Using Online Video Best Practices."

Conferences & Meetings

        June 23-25, 2000:  PT3 Project Director's Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.  Dr. Bill Callahan, Karla Krueger, Dr. Sharon Smaldino, and Doreen Hayek will attend the project directors meeting.  Dr. Bill Callahan will facilitate a conference strand for those who share an interest in online video case studies.

Progress Check:

        Technology Competencies Assessment Database.  Karla Krueger, Doreen Hayek, and Rori Carson have met with ITS staff members Garry Bozylinsky, Dennis Lindner, and Julie Heiple regarding the development of an assessment tool based on the UNI Preservice Teacher Technology Competencies.  ITS AccessUNI team has agreed to facilitate the development of a web-based survey to be used by the faculty/students involved in courses that will be revised as a part of the grant.  This implementation is considered short-term and can be completed without any additional financial support from the grant. 

Additionally, ITS is interested in working on a long-term version of the TCAD. However, this project will have to compete with other university-wide ITS projects.  To get a priority mandate, it will be necessary to meet with the Provost to “sell” the need for the project.  This long-term version of the TCAD will be an important tool to document the technology proficiency of preservice teachers, as required by the State of Iowa beginning 2001.  Funding for a staff person to work with ITS on the project will also be required.

        First 23 Videos Taped. Completion of the first round of taping marks an important milestone for the project.  Analysis of the videos is scheduled for completion June 15.  Editing is in progress, with the completion of the rough edits targeted for June 30.  Transcription and posting of the videos to the web site will begin shortly and continue through the end of July.

        Revised project CD to be produced for upcoming conferences.  To support 2 upcoming project presentations, a CD featuring two videos and revised model documentation will be produced for use at NECC and the PT3 Project Director’s meeting in Atlanta (June 23-26).  Additionally, one of our participating teachers, Sara Pralle, has been honored as a Milken recognized educator.  She will have an opportunity to make a presentation including material from INTIME when she travels to Los Angeles later this month.

        Model Revised. The TFQE Model has undergone another revision and is posted on the project web site at:  Documentation for the model elements of Democracy, Information Processing and Technology are complete and posted.  Final edits to the remaining model elements are in progress, with completion and posting targeted for July 1. 

        INTIME Brochures Created:  A brochure describing the INTIME project will be created for use at the NECC Poster session and PT3 Project Director’s meeting. 

        Web Site Development. Progress continues on the INTIME project web site. As mentioned above, model documentation has been added, with more on the way.  In the interest of time, it was decided not to complete the additional versions of the Pilot Video featuring Vicki Oleson. 

Videos will be posted to the site as they become available.  The search method for the videos is being tested and will be made available when we have entered data for the first several videos. 

A new set of web pages are being developed for Online Video Case Studies (OVCS).  UNI was asked to develop and house this site, which will be a resource for other universities who are putting videos on the web.  See what has been posted thus far at

Personnel Changes:

J.C. Turner (videographer/producer) has accepted a position as Associate Dean of Learning Resources & Technology Services at St. Cloud State University in St. Cloud, MN.  His last day on the grant is June 30, with the option of bringing him in as a consultant for the July Video Participant’s Workshop.  Lisa Hansen(INTIME web site design) will be moving to Atlanta, GA.  Her last day at UNI is June 15.  Matt Behrens (video search database) has accepted an ITS position with the State of Iowa in Des Moines.  Nadia Soloukhina (G.A. on Preservice Teacher Technology Competencies and Information Processing) graduated in May and has accepted a position in Philadelphia, PA.  We appreciate their contributions and wish them well on their future endeavors.


New project personnel include:  Nengi Miraa, a graduate computer science major.  Nengi is involved in the development of the project web site and the OVCS pages.  Jawad Salimi, a graduate student majoring in Communication and Training Technology has taken over work on the video search database.  Michelle Matz, a graduate student in the College of Education will cover Nadiai’s video analysis duties for the summer.  Students Julie Bauer, Terri Martin and John Balong have been working with Karla Krueger to edit narratives for the videos. Additionally, Julie and Terri will be transcribing the videos to provide the scrolling text.