History Core Knowledge


History (K-4)

World History (5-12)

US History (5-12)

Historical Thinking (5-12)


National History Standard

Core Knowledgeâ

McREL Standard

History (K-4)

Standard I-Family Life Now and in the Recent Past; Family Life in Various Places Long Ago


Standard 1-Understands family life now and in the past, and family life in various places long ago

Standard 2-History of Students’ Local Community and How Communities in North America Varied Long Ago

Kindergarten: American II-Native American Peoples, Past and Present

Grade 1: American IA-The Earliest People: Hunters and Nomads, American IIC-English Settlers 

Grade 2: American IIIB-Native Americans

Grade 3: American IB-Native Americans, American IIIB-Southern Colonies, American IIIC-New England Colonies, American IIID-Middle Atlantic Colonies

Standard 2-Understands the history of a local community and how communities in North America varied long ago

Standard 3-The People, Events, Problems, and Ideas that Created the History of Their State 


Standard 3-Understands the people, events, problems, and ideas that were significant in creating the history of their state

Standard 4-How Democratic Values Came to Be, and How They Have Been Exemplified by People, Events, and Symbols 

Kindergarten: American IIIC-July 4, "Independence Day", American IV-Presidents, Past and Present, American V-Symbols and Figures

Grade 1: American III-From Colonies to Independence: The American Revolution, American IV-Early Exploration of the American West, American V-Symbols and Figures

Grade 2: American I-American Government: The Constitution, American II-The War of 1812, American VIII-Symbols and Figures

Grade 4: American IA-American Revolution: Background: The French and Indian War, American IB-American Revolution: Causes and Provocations, American IC-The Revolution, American IIA-Main Ideas Behind the Declaration of Independence, American IIB-Making a New Government: From the Declaration to the Constitution, American IIC-The Constitution of the United States, American IID-Levels and Functions of Government (National, State, Local), American III-Early Presidents and Politics, American IV-Reformers, American V-Symbols and Figures

Standard 4-Understands how democratic values came to be, and how they have been exemplified by people, events, and symbols

Standard 5-The Causes and Nature of Various Movements of Large Groups of People into and within the United States, Now and Long Ago

Kindergarten: American IIIA-The Voyage of Columbus in 1492, American IIIB-The Pilgrims

Grade 1: American IIB-The Conquistadors, American IV-Early Exploration of the American west

Grade 2: American IIIA-Pioneers Head West, American V-Immigration and Citizenship

Grade 3: American IA-Crossing the Land Bridge, American IIA-Early Spanish Exploration and Settlement, American IIB-Exploration and Settlement of the American Southwest

Standard 5-Understands the causes and nature of movements of large groups of people into and within the United States, now and long ago

Standard 6-Regional Folklore and Cultural Contributions That Helped to Form Our National Heritage 


Standard 6-Understands the folklore and other cultural contributions from various regions of the United States and how they helped to form a national heritage

Standard 7-Selected Attributes and Historical Developments of Various Societies in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe 

Grade 1: World IIA-Mesopotamia: The "Cradle of Civilization", World IIB-Ancient Egypt, World IIIB-Culture, American IIC-English Settlers

Grade 2: World IIB-India, World IIC-China, World IIIB-Culture, World IV-Ancient Greece

Grade 3: World IIB-Ancient Rome: Background, World IIC-Ancient Rome: The Empire, World IID-Ancient Rome: The "Decline and Fall" of Rome, World IIE-The Eastern Roman Empire: Byzantine Civilization, World III-The Vikings

Grade 4: World IIA-Europe in the Middle Ages: Background, World IIC-Developments in History of the Christian Church, World IID-Feudalism, World IIE-The Norman Conquest, World IIF-Growth of Towns, World IIG-England in the Middle Ages, World IIIA-Islam, World IIIB-Development of Islamic Civilization, World IIIC-Wars between Muslims and Christians, World IVA-Early African Kingdoms, World IVB-Medieval Kingdoms of the Sudan, World V-China: Dynasties and Conquerors

Standard 7-Understands selected attributes and historical developments of societies in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe

Standard 8-Major Discoveries in Science and Technology, Their Social and Economic Effects, and the Scientists and Inventors Responsible for Them

Kindergarten: Science VII-Science Biographies

Grade 1: Science VIII-Science Biographies

Grade 2: Science VI-Science Biographies

Grade 3: Science VII-Science Biographies

Grade 4: Science VI-Science Biographies

Standard 8-Understands major discoveries in science and technology, some of their social and economic effects, and the major scientists and inventors responsible for them

National History Standard

Core Knowledgeâ

McREL Standard

US History (5-12)

Era 1

Era 2

Era 3

Era 4

Era 5

Era 6

Era 7

Era 8

Era 9

Era 10

Era 1-Three Worlds Meet (Beginning-1620)

Standard 1-Comparative characteristics of societies in the Americas, Western Europe, and Western Africa that increasingly interacted after 1450 

Grade 5: World IIB-Maya, Inca, and Aztec Civilizations, World IIIA-European Exploration, Trade, and the Clash of Cultures-Background, World IIIB-European Exploration, Trade, and Colonization

Standard 1-Understands the characteristics of societies in the Americas, Western Europe, and Western Africa that increasingly interacted after 1450

Standard 2-How early European exploration and colonization resulted in cultural and ecological interactions among previously unconnected peoples 

Grade 5: World IIIA-European Exploration, Trade, and the Clash of Cultures-Background, World IIIB-European Exploration, Trade, and Colonization

Standard 2-Understands cultural and ecological interactions among previously unconnected people resulting from early European exploration and colonization

Era 2-Colonization and Settlement (1585-1763)

Standard 1-Why the Americas attracted Europeans, why they brought enslaved Africans to their colonies, and how Europeans struggled for control of North America and the Caribbean 

Grade 5: World IIC-Meso-American Civilizations-Spanish Conquerors, World IIIC-European Exploration, Trade, and Colonization-Trade and Slavery

Standard 3-Understands why the Americas attracted Europeans, why they brought enslaved Africans to their colonies and how Europeans struggled for control of North America and the Caribbean

Standard 2-How political, religious, and social institutions emerged in the English colonies 


Standard 4-Understands how political, religious, and social institutions emerged in the English colonies

Standard 3-How the values and institutions of European economic life took root in the colonies, and how slavery reshaped European and African life in the Americas 

Grade 5: World IIIC-European Exploartion, Trade, and the Clash of Cultures-Trade and Slavery

Standard 5-Understands how the values and institutions of European economic life took root in the colonies and how slavery reshaped European and African life in the Americas

Era 3-Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s)

Standard 1-The causes of the American Revolution, the ideas and interests involved in forging the revolutionary movement, and the reasons for the American victory 


Standard 6-Understands the causes of the American Revolution, the ideas and interests involved in shaping the revolutionary movement, and reasons for the American victory

Standard 2-The impact of the American Revolution on politics, economy, and society 


Standard 7-Understands the impact of the American Revolution on politics, economy, and society

Standard 3-The institutions and practices of government created during the Revolution and how they were revised between 1787 and 1815 to create the foundation of the American political system based on the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights 


Standard 8-Understands the institutions and practices of government created during the Revolution and how these elements were revised between 1787 and 1815 to create the foundation of the American political system based on the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights

Era 4-Expansion and Reform (1801-1861)

Standard 1-United States territorial expansion between 1801 and 1861, and how it affected relations with external powers and Native Americans  

Grade 5: American IA-Westward Expansion before the Civil War, American IIIA-Native Americans: Cultures and Conflicts-Culture and Life, American IIIB-Native Americans: Cultures and Conflicts-American Government Policies, American IIIC-Native Americans: Cultures and Conflicts-Conflicts

Standard 9-Understands the United States territorial expansion between 1801 and 1861, and how it affected relations with external powers and Native Americans

Standard 2-How the industrial revolution, increasing immigration, the rapid expansion of slavery, and the westward movement changed the lives of Americans and led toward regional tensions


Standard 10-Understands how the industrial revolution, increasing immigration, the rapid expansion of slavery, and the westward movement changed American lives and led to regional tensions

Standard 3-The extension, restriction, and reorganization of political democracy after 1800


Standard 11-Understands the extension, restriction, and reorganization of political democracy after 1800

Standard 4-The sources and character of cultural, religious,  and social reform movements in the antebellum period


Standard 12-Understands the sources and character of cultural, religious, and social reform movements in the antebellum period

Era 5-Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877)

Standard 1-The causes of the Civil War 

Grade 5: American IIA-Toward the Civil War

Standard 13-Understand the causes of the Civil War

Standard 2-The course and character of the Civil War and its effects on the American people

Grade 5: American IIB-The Civil War

Standard 14-Understands the course and character of the Civil War and its effects on the American people

Standard 3-How various reconstruction plans succeeded or failed 

Grade 5: American IIC-The Civil War: Causes, Conflicts, Consequences-Reconstruction, American IIIC-Native Americans: Cultures and Conflicts-Conflicts

Standard 15-Understands how various reconstruction plans succeeded or failed

Era 6-The Development of the Industrial (1870-1900)

Standard 1-How the rise of corporations, heavy industry, and mechanized farming transformed the American people 

Grade 6: American IB-Industrialization and Urbanization

Standard 16-Understands how the rise of corporations, heavy industry, and mechanized farming transformed American society

Standard 2-Massive immigration after 1870 and how new social patterns, conflicts, and ideas of national unity developed amid growing cultural diversity 

Grade 6: American IA-Immigration

Standard 17-Understands massive immigration after 1870 and how new social patterns, conflicts, and ideas of national unity developed amid growing cultural diversity

Standard 3-The rise of the American labor movement and how political issues reflected social and economic changes 


Standard 18-Understands the rise of the American labor movement and how political issues reflected social and economic changes

Standard 4-Federal Indian policy and United States foreign policy after the Civil War 

Grade 5: American IIIB-Native Americans: Cultures and Conflicts-American Government Policies

Standard 19-Understands federal Indian policy and United States foreign policy after the Civil War

Era 7-The Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)

Standard 1-How Progressives and others addressed problems of industrial capitalism, urbanization, and political corruption 

Grade 6: American II-Reform

Standard 20-Understands how Progressives and others addressed problems of industrial capitalism, urbanization, and political corruption

Standard 2-The changing role of the United States in world affairs through World War I 

Grade 7: I-America Becomes a World Power, IIA-World War I: "The Great War," 1914-1918-History

Standard 21-Understands the changing role of the United States in world affairs through World War I

Standard 3-How the United States changed from the end of World War I to the eve of the Great Depression 

Grade 7: IVA- America in the Twenties

Standard 22-Understands how the United States changed between the post-World War I years and the eve of the Great Depression

Era 8-The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)

Standard 1-The causes of the Great Depression and how it affected American society 

Grade 7: IVB-The Great Depression

Standard 23-Understands the causes of the Great Depression and how it affected American society

Standard 2-How the New Deal addressed the Great Depression, transformed American federalism, and initiated the welfare state

Grade 7: IVC-Roosevelt and the New Deal

Standard 24-Understands how the New Deal addressed the Great Depression, transformed American federalism, and initiated the welfare state

Standard 3-The causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home and abroad, and   its reshaping of the U.S. role in world affairs

Grade 7: VA-The Rise of Totalitarianism in Europe, VB-World War II in Europe and at Home, 1939-45, VC-World War II in the Pacific, and the End of the War

Standard 25-Understands the causes and course of World War II, the character of the war at home and abroad, and its reshaping of the U.S. role in world affairs

Era 9-Postwar United States (1945-early 1970s)

Standard 1-The economic boom and social transformation of postwar United States


Standard 26-Understands the economic boom and social transformation of post-World War II United States

Standard 2-How the Cold War and conflicts in Korea and   Vietnam influenced domestic and international politics

Grade 8: IIA-Origins of the Cold War, IIB-The Korean War, IIC-America in the Cold War

Standard 27-Understands how the Cold War and conflicts in Korean and Vietnam influenced domestic and international politics

Standard 3-Domestic policies after World War II 

Grade 8: IIC-America in the Cold War

Standard 28-Understands domestic policies in the post-World War II period

Standard 4-The struggle for racial and gender equality and the extension of civil liberties 

Grade 8: III-The Civil Rights Movement

Standard 29-Understands the struggle for racial and gender equality and for the extension of civil liberties

Era 10-Contemportary United States (1968-present)

Standard 1-Recent developments in foreign and domestic politics

Grade 8: IVA-The Vietnam War, VA-The Middle East and Oil Politics-History, VIA-The American Policy of Detente

Standard 30-Understands developments in foreign policy and domestic politics between the Nixon and Clinton presidencies

Standard 2-Economic, social, and cultural developments in contemporary United States 

Grade 8: IVB-The Vietnam War-Social and Environmental Activism

Standard 31-Understands economic, social, and cultural developments in the contemporary United States

National History Standard

Core Knowledgeâ

McREL Standard

World History (5-12)

Era 1

Era 2

Era 3

Era 4

Era 5

Era 6

Era 7

Era 8

Era 9

Across Eras

Era 1-The Beginnings of Human Society

Standard 1-The biological and cultural processes that gave rise to the earliest human communities


Standard 1-Understands the biological and cultural processes that shaped the earliest human communities

Standard 2-The processes that led to the emergence of agricultural societies around the world


Standard 2-Understands the processes that contributed to the emergence of agricultural societies around the world

Era 2-Early Civilizations and the Emergence of Pastoral Peoples (4000-1000 BCE)

Standard 1-The major characteristics of civilization and how civilizations emerged in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus valley 


Standard 3-Understands the major characteristics of civilization and the development of civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley

Standard 2-How agrarian societies spread and new states emerged in the third and second millennia BCE


Standard 4-Understands how agrarian societies spread and new states emerged in the third and second millennia BCE

Standard 3-The political, social, and cultural consequences of population movements and militarization in Eurasia in the second millennium BCE


Standard 5-Understands the political, social, and cultural consequences of population movements and militarization in Eurasia in the second millennium BCE

Standard 4-Major trends in Eurasia and Africa from 4000- 1000 BCE 


Standard 6-Understands major trends in Eurasia and Africa from 4000 to 1000 BCE

Era 3-Classical Traditions, Major Religions, and Giant Empires (1000 BCE-300 CE)

Standard 1-Innovation and change from 1000-600 BCE: horses, ships, iron, and monotheistic faith 


Standard 7-Understands technological and cultural innovation and change from 1000 to 600 BCE

Standard 2-The emergence of Aegean civilization and how interrelations developed among peoples of the eastern Mediterranean and Southwest Asia, 600-200 BCE


Standard 8-Understands how Aegean civilization emerged and how interrelations developed among peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean and Southwest Asia from 600 to 200 BCE

Standard 3-How major religions and large-scale empires arose in the Mediterranean basin, China, and India, 500 BCE-300 CE 

Grade 6: World IIA-Judaism and Christianity, World IIB-Ancient Greece, World IIC-Ancient Rome

Standard 9-Understand how major religious and large-scale empires arose in the Mediterranean Basin, China, and India from 500 BCE to 300 CE

Standard 4-The development of early agrarian civilizations in Mesoamerica 


Standard 10-Understands how early agrarian civilizations arose in Mesoamerica

Standard 5- Major global trends from 1000 BCE-300 CE


Standard 11-Understands major global trends from 1000 BCE to 300 CE

Era 4-Expanding Zones of Exchange and Encounter, 300-1000 CE 

Standard 1-Imperial crises and their aftermath, 300-700 CE 


Standard 12-Understands the Imperial crises and their aftermath in various regions from 300 to 700 CE

Standard 2-Causes and consequences of the rise of Islamic civilization in the 7th-10th centuries


Standard 13-Understands the causes and consequences of the development of Islamic civilization between the 7th and 10th centuries

Standard 3-Major developments in East Asia and Southeast Asia in the era of the Tang dynasty, 600-900 CE 


Standard 14-Understands major developments in East Asia and Southeast Asia in the era of the Tang Dynasty from 600 to 900 CE

Standard 4-The search for political, social, and cultural redefinition in Europe, 500-1000 CE


Standard 15-Understands the political, social, and cultural redefinitions in Europe from 500 to 1000 CE

Standard 5-The development of agricultural societies and new states in tropical Africa and Oceania 


Standard 16-Understands the development of agricultural societies and new states in tropical Africa and Oceania

Standard 6-The rise of centers of civilization in Mesoamerica and Andean South America in the first millennium CE 


Standard 17-Understands the rise of centers of civilization in Mesoamerica and Andean South America in the 1st millennium CE

Standard 7-Major global trends from 300-1000 CE 


Standard 18-Understands major global trends from 300 to 1000 CE

Era 5-Intensified Hemispheric Interactions 1000-1500 CE

Standard 1-The maturing of an interregional system of communication, trade, and cultural exchange   in an era of Chinese economic power and Islamic expansion


Standard 19-Understands the maturation of an interregional system of communication, trade, and cultural exchange during a period of Chinese economic power and Islamic expansion

Standard 2-The redefining of European society and culture, 1000-1300 CE 


Standard 20-Understands the redefinition of European society and culture from 1000 to 1300 CE

Standard 3-The rise of the Mongol empire and its consequences for Eurasian peoples, 1200-1350


Standard 21-Understands the rise of the Mongol Empire and its consequences for Eurasian peoples from 1200 to 1350

Standard 4-The growth of states, towns, and trade in Sub- Saharan Africa between the 11th and 15th centuries 


Standard 22-Understands the growth of states, towns, and trade in Sub-Saharan Africa between the 11th and 15th centuries

Standard 5-Patterns of crisis and recovery in Afro-Eurasia, 1300-1450 


Standard 23-Understands patterns of crisis and recovery in Afro-Eurasia between 1300 and 1450

Standard 6-The expansion of states and civilizations in the Americas, 1000-1500 


Standard 24-Understands the expansion of states and civilizations in the Americas between 1000 and 1500

Standard 7-Major global trends from 1000-1500 CE


Standard 25-Understands major global trends from 1000 to 1500 CE

Era 6-The Emergence of the First Global Age, 1450-1770

Standard 1-How the transoceanic interlinking of all major regions of the world from 1450-1600 led to global transformations 

Grade 5: World IIIA-European Exploration, Trade, and the Clash of Cultures-Background, World IIIB-European Exploration, Trade, and Colonization

Standard 26-Understands how the transoceanic interlinking of all major regions of the world between 1450 and 1600 led to global transformations

Standard 2-How European society experienced political,   economic, and cultural transformations in an age of global intercommunication, 1450-1750

Grade 5: World IVA-The Renaissance, World IVB-The Reformation

Standard 27-Understands how European society experienced political, economic, and cultural transformations in an age of global intercommunication between 1450 and 1750

Standard 3-How large territorial empires dominated much of Eurasia between the 16th and 18th centuries 

Grade 5: World VIA-Russia: Early Growth and Expansion-History and Culture

Standard 28-Understands how large territorial empires dominated much of Eurasia between the 16th and 18th centuries

Standard 4-Economic, political, and cultural interrelations among peoples of Africa, Europe, and the Americas, 1500-1750 

Grade 5: World IIIB-European Exploration, Trade, and Colonization, World IIIC-European Exploration, Trade, and the Clash of Cultures-Trade and Slavery

Standard 29-Understands the economic, political, and cultural interrelations among peoples of Africa, Europe, and the Americas between 1500 and 1750

Standard 5-Transformations in Asian societies in the era of European expansion 

Grade 5: World VIIA-Feudal Japan-History and Culture

Standard 30-Understands transformations in Asian societies in the era of European expansion

Standard 6-Major global trends from 1450-1770 


Standard 31-Understands major global trends from 1450 to 1770

Era 7-An Age of Revolutions, 1750-1914 

Standard 1-The causes and consequences of political revolutions in the late 18th and early 19th centuries 

Grade 5: World VA-England in the Golden Age, World VB-From the English Revolution to the Glorious Revolution

Grade 6: World IV-The French Revolution

Standard 32-Understands the causes and consequences of political revolutions in the late 18th and early 19th centuries

Standard 2-The causes and consequences of the agricultural and industrial revolutions, 1700-1850 

Grade 6: World VIA-The Industrial Revolution, World VIB-Capitalism, World VIC-Socialism

Standard 33-Understands the causes and consequences of the agricultural and industrial revolutions from 1700 to 1850

Standard 3-The transformation of Eurasian societies in an era of global trade and rising European power, 1750-1870 


Standard 34-Understands how Eurasian societies were transformed in an era of global trade and the emergence of European power from 1750 to 1870

Standard 4-Patterns of nationalism, state-building, and social reform in Europe and the Americas,   1830-1914

Grade 5: World VA-England in the Golden Age, World VB-From the English Revolution to the Glorious Revolution

Grade 6: World III-The Enlightenment, World IV-The French Revolution

Standard 35-Understands patterns of nationalism, state-building, and social reform in Europe and the Americas from 1830 to 1914

Standard 5-Patterns of global change in the era of Western military and economic domination, 1800-1914 


Standard 36-Understands patterns of global change in the era of Western military and economic dominance from 1800 to 1914

Standard 6-Major global trends from 1750-1914

Grade 6: World V-Romanticism

Standard 37-Understand major global trends from 1750 to 1914

Era 8-A Half-Century of Crisis and Achievement 1900-1945 

Standard 1-Reform, revolution, and social change in the world economy of the early century 

Grade 7: IIIA-The Russian Revolution-History

Standard 38-Understands reform, revolution, and social change in the world economy of the early 20th century

Standard 2-The causes and global consequences of World War I 

Grade 7: IIA-World War I: "The Great War," 1914-1918-History

Standard 39-Understands the causes and global consequences of World War I

Standard 3-The search for peace and stability in the 1920s and 1930s 


Standard 40-Understands the search for peace and stability throughout the world in the 1920s and 1930s

Standard 4-The causes and global consequences of World War II 

Grade 7: VA-The Rise of Totalitarianism in Europe, VB-World War II in Europe and at Home, 1939-45, VC-World War II in the Pacific, and the End of the War

Standard 41-Understands the causes and global consequences of World War II

Standard 5-Major global trends from 1900 to the end of World War II 


Standard 42- Understands major global trends from 1900 to the end of World War II.

Era 9-The 20th Century Since 1945:  Promises and Paradoxes 

Standard 1-How post-World War II reconstruction occurred, new international power relations took shape, and colonial empires broke up 

Grade 8: IA-Breakup of the British Empire, IB-Creation of the People's Republic of China

Standard 43-Understands how post-World War II reconstruction occurred, new international power relations took shape, and colonial empires broke up

Standard 2-The search for community, stability, and peace in an interdependent world 


Standard 44-Understands the search for community, stability, and peace in an interdependent world

Standard 3-Major global trends since World War II 


Standard 45-Understands major global trends since World War II

World History Across the Eras

Standard 1-Long-term changes and recurring patterns in world history 


Standard 46-Understands long-term changes and recurring patterns in world history

National History Standard

Core Knowledgeâ

McREL Standard

Historical Thinking

Standard 1-Chronological Thinking

Grade 5: all

Grade 6: all

Grade 7: all

Grade 8: all

Standard 1-Understands and knows how to analyze chronological relationships and patterns

Standard 2-Historical Comprehension

Grade 5: all

Grade 6: all

Grade 7: all

Grade 8: all

Standard 2-Understands the historical perspective

Standard 3-Historical Analysis and Interpretation

Grade 5: all

Grade 6: all

Grade 7: all

Grade 8: all


Standard 4-Historical Analysis and Interpretation

Grade 5: all

Grade 6: all

Grade 7: all

Grade 8: all


Standard 5-Historical Issues-Analysis and Decision Making

Grade 5: all

Grade 6: all

Grade 7: all

Grade 8: all



Permission to excerpt from the Core Knowledgeâ Sequence [1999] has been granted from the Core Knowledge Foundation.  The Core Knowledge Sequence[1999] can be acquired from the Core Knowledge Foundation at: www.coreknowledge.org